Book of 2 Samuel

Heard-by-Powr ­, part 2

and·he·is ­after⁺ ­the·death·of ­Requested

and·Intimate ­he·returned

from·striking ­°the·Amalek

and·he·settles ­Intimate ­in·Tziqlag ­days⁺ ­two² :

and·he·is ­in·the·day ­the·third ­and·¡lo! ­man ­he·entered ­from ­the·camp ­from·near ­Requested

and·his·coverings⁺ ­torn⁺

and·adamah ­upon ­his·head

and·he·is ­when·he·enters ­to ­Intimate

and·he·falls ­➝land ­and·he·prostrates·himself :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Intimate

¿where ­from·this ­you·enter

and·he·says ­to·him

from·the·camp·of ­Princepowr ­I·was·delivered :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Intimate ­¿what ­he·was ­the·speech ­tell·forth ­¡please! ­to·me

and·he·says ­that ­he·fled ­the·people ­from ­the·battle ­and·also ­multiplying ­he·fell ­from ­the·people ­and·they·die⁺

and·also ­Requested ­and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­his·son ­they·died⁺ :

and·he·says ­Intimate

to ­the·youth ­that·tells·forth ­to·him

¿ħow ­you·knew

as ­he·died ­Requested ­and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­his·son :

and·he·says ­the·youth ­that·tells·forth ­to·him ­being·called·upon ­I·was·fated·upon ­in·the·mount·of ­the·Roll-of-Petition

and·¡lo! ­Requested ­staffed ­upon ­his·campspear

and·¡lo! ­the·chariot ­and·the·masters⁺·of ­the·shockcavalry ­they·joined·up·him :

and·he·faces ­after⁺·him ­and·he·sees·me

and·he·calls ­to·me

and·I·say ­¡lo!·me :

and·he·says ­to·me ­¿who ­you

and·I·say ­to·him

Amalekïte ­I :

and·he·says ­to·me ­ꜝstand ­¡please! ­upon·me ­and·ꜝcause·me·to·die

as ­he·held·me ­the·brocade

as ­all ­again ­my·soul ­in·me :

and·I·stand ­upon·him ­and·I·cause·him·to·die

as ­I·knew

as ­he·does·not·live ­after⁺ ­his·falling

and·I·take ­the·vow ­that ­upon ­his·head ­and·pacelette ­that ­upon ­his·arm

and·I·bring·them·in ­to ­my·lord ­here :

and·he·grasps·firmly ­Intimate ­in·his·coverings⁺ ­and·he·tears·them

and·also ­all·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­that ­with·him :

and·they·lament⁺ ­and·they·weep⁺

and·they·fast⁺ ­unto ­the·evening

upon ­Requested ­and·upon ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­his·son ­and·upon ­the·people·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·upon ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

as ­they·fell⁺ ­in·the·sword :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­the·youth ­that·tells·forth ­to·him

¿where ­from·this ­you

and·he·says ­son·of ­man ­lodger ­Amalekïte ­I :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Intimate

¿ħow ­you·did·not·fear

to·send ­your·hand

to·ruin ­°the·anointed·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·calls ­Intimate ­to·one ­from·the·youths⁺

and·he·says ­ꜝapproach ­peg ­in·him

and·he·strikes·him ­and·he·dies :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Intimate

your·blood ­upon ­your·head

as ­your·mouth ­he·responded ­in·you ­saying

I ­I·caused·to·die ­°the·anointed·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·dirges ­Intimate

°the·dirge ­this

upon ­Requested ­and·upon ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­his·son :

and·he·says ­to·disciple ­the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­bow

¡lo! ­written ­upon ­the·account·of ­the·straight :

the·prettiness ­Princepowr

upon ­your·daises⁺ ­pierced

¿ħow ­they·fell⁺ ­heroes⁺ :

you·do·not·tell·forth⁺ ­in·Cellar

ꜝdo·not·flesh·out ­in·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Shekelry

lest ­they·are·glad⁺ ­the·daughters⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

lest ­they·exult⁺ ­the·daughters⁺·of ­the·foreskinned⁺ :

the·mounts⁺ ­in·the·Roll-of-Petition ­not ­dew ­and·not ­rain ­upon·you⁺ ­and·fields⁺·of ­high·offerings⁺

as ­there ­he·was·neglected ­guard·of ­heroes⁺

the·guard·of ­Requested

no ­anointed ­in·the·oil :

from·blood·of ­pierced⁺ ­from·fat·of ­heroes⁺

the·bow·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given

he·was·not·skimmed·away ­aft

and·the·sword·of ­Requested

she·does·not·return ­empty :

Requested ­and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­that·are·loved⁺ ­and·the·amiable⁺ ­in·their·life⁺

and·in·their·death ­they·were·not·split⁺

from·eagles⁺ ­they·were·slightened⁺

from·lions⁺ ­they·were·heroic⁺ :

the·daughters⁺·of ­Princepowr

to ­Requested ­ꜝweep⁺

that·robes·you⁺ ­scarlet ­near ­comforts⁺

that·offers·up ­decoration·of ­gold

upon ­your⁺·robe :

¿ħow ­they·fell⁺ ­heroes⁺

in·the·midst·of ­the·battle


upon ­your·daises⁺ ­pierced :

he·was·rocked·in ­to·me ­upon·you ­my·brother ­Yʜᴡ-Given

you·were·amiable ­to·me ­very

she·was·too·wonderful ­your·love ­to·me

from·love·of ­women⁺ :

¿ħow ­they·fell⁺ ­heroes⁺

and·they·are·lost⁺ ­things⁺·of ­battle :


and·he·is ­after⁺ ­surely ­and·he·requests ­Intimate ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­saying ­¿I·go·up ­in·one·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·him ­go·up

and·he·says ­Intimate ­¿where ­I·go·up ­and·he·says ­➝Alliance :

and·he·goes·up ­there ­Intimate

and·also ­the·two²·of ­his·women⁺

Brother-of-Amiability ­the·Powrseedsïte

and·Father-of-Twirling ­the·woman·of ­Wilted ­the·Orchardïte :

and·his·mortals⁺ ­that ­near·him ­he·offered·up ­Intimate ­man ­and·his·house

and·they·settle⁺ ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­Alliance :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·they·anoint⁺ ­there ­°Intimate ­to·king ­upon ­the·house·of ­Gloryhand

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·Intimate ­saying

the·mortals⁺·of ­Dry ­Roll-of-Witness

that ­they·entombed⁺ ­°Requested :

and·he·sends ­Intimate ­ministers⁺

to ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Dry ­Roll-of-Witness

and·he·says ­to·them ­knelt·to⁺ ­you⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

that ­you·did⁺ ­the·mercy ­this ­near ­your⁺·lords⁺ ­near ­Requested

and·you·entomb⁺ ­°him :

and·now ­ꜝlet·him·do ­Yʜᴡʜ ­near·you⁺ ­mercy ­and·truth

and·also ­I ­I·do ­with·you⁺ ­the·goodness ­this

that ­you·did⁺ ­the·speech ­this :

and·now ­they·are·firm⁺ ­your⁺·hands² ­and·ꜝbe⁺ ­to·sons⁺·of ­strength

as ­he·died ­your⁺·lords⁺ ­Requested

and·also ­°me ­they·anointed⁺ ­the·house·of ­Gloryhand ­to·king ­upon·them :


and·Father-Lamp ­the·son·of ­Lamp

prince·of ­host ­that ­to·Requested

he·took ­°Man ­Shame ­the·son·of ­Requested

and·he·makes·him·cross·by ­Camps² :

and·he·kings·him ­to ­the·Roll-of-Witness

and·to ­the·Blessedïte ­and·to ­Powr-Seeds

and·upon ­Fruits² ­and·upon ­Son-of-Right

and·upon ­Princepowr ­all·of·him :


son·of ­forty⁺ ­year ­Man ­Shame ­the·son·of ­Requested ­when·he·is·king ­upon ­Princepowr

and·two² ­years⁺ ­he·was·king

surely ­the·house·of ­Gloryhand

they·were⁺ ­after⁺ ­Intimate :

and·he·is ­the·count·of ­the·days⁺

that ­he·was ­Intimate ­king ­in·Alliance ­upon ­the·house·of ­Gloryhand

seven ­years⁺ ­and·six ­new·moons⁺ :

and·he·goes ­Father-Lamp ­the·son·of ­Lamp

and·the·servants⁺·of ­Man ­Shame ­the·son·of ­Requested

from·Camps² ­➝Hillside :

and·Yᴡ-Fathered ­the·son·of ­Balsamed ­and·the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate ­they·went⁺

and·they·encounter⁺·them ­upon ­the·kneepool·of ­Hillside ­united

and·they·settle⁺ ­these ­upon ­the·kneepool ­from·this

and·these ­upon ­the·kneepool ­from·this :

and·he·says ­Father-Lamp ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered

they·arise⁺ ­¡please! ­the·youths⁺

and·they·make·laughter⁺ ­to·our·face⁺

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­they·arise⁺ :

and·they·arise⁺ ­and·they·cross·over⁺ ­in·count

two² ­and·ten ­to·Son-of-Right ­and·to·Man ­Shame ­the·son·of ­Requested

and·two² ­and·ten ­from·the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate :

and·they·grasp·firmly⁺ ­man ­in·the·head·of ­his·tendent ­and·his·sword ­in·the·hip·of ­his·tendent

and·they·fall⁺ ­united

and·he·calls ­to·the·rising·place ­he

Division·of ­the·Rocks⁺ ­that ­in·Hillside :

and·she·is ­the·battle ­hard ­unto ­very ­in·the·day ­he

and·he·is·smitten ­Father-Lamp ­and·the·mortals⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·the·face⁺·of ­the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate :

and·they·are⁺ ­there ­three ­the·sons⁺·of ­Balsamed

Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·Father-of-Homage ­and·Doing-of-Powr

and·Doing-of-Powr ­slight ­in·his·feet²

as·one·of ­the·prettygazelles⁺ ­that ­in·the·field :

and·he·pursues ­Doing-of-Powr ­after⁺ ­Father-Lamp

and ­he·did·not·branch·out ­to·walk ­upon ­the·right ­and·upon ­the·left

from·after⁺ ­Father-Lamp :

and·he·faces ­Father-Lamp ­after⁺·him

and·he·says ­¿you ­this ­Doing-of-Powr

and·he·says ­I :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Father-Lamp ­ꜝbranch·out ­to·you ­upon ­your·right ­or ­upon ­your·left

and·ꜝhold ­to·you ­one ­from·the·youths⁺

and·ꜝtake ­to·you ­°his·dress

and ­he·did·not·want ­Doing-of-Powr

to·move ­from·after⁺·him :

and·he·adds ­again ­Father-Lamp ­saying ­to ­Doing-of-Powr

ꜝmove ­to·you ­from·after⁺·me

to·¿what ­I·strike·you ­➝land

and·¿ħow ­I·bear·up ­my·face⁺

to ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­your·brother :

and·he·refuses ­to·move ­and·he·strikes·him ­Father-Lamp ­in·after⁺ ­the·campspear ­to ­the·geared·up ­and·she·goes ­the·campspear ­from·after⁺·him

and·he·falls ­there ­and·he·dies ­unders⁺·him

and·he·is ­all ­that·enters ­to ­the·rising·place ­that ­he·fell ­there ­Doing-of-Powr ­and·he·dies ­and·they·stand⁺ :

and·they·pursue⁺ ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·Father-of-Homage ­after⁺ ­Father-Lamp

and·the·sun ­she·entered

and·they⁺ ­they·entered⁺ ­unto ­the·hill·of ­Mamastone

that ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­Gusher

the·step·of ­the·outspeak·of ­Hillside :

and·they·collect·themselves⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Son-of-Right ­after⁺ ­Father-Lamp

and·they·are⁺ ­to·clod ­one


upon ­head·of ­hill ­one :

and·he·calls ­Father-Lamp ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·he·says ­¿to·forever ­she·eats ­sword

¿not ­you·knew·¿

as ­bitter ­she·is ­in·the·afterward

and·unto ­¿wħen ­you·do·not·say ­to·the·people

to·return ­from·after⁺ ­their·brothers⁺ :

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Fathered

living ­the·Powers⁺

as ­iᵮ·not ­you·spoke

as ­then ­from·the·dayplow ­he·was·gone·up ­the·people

man ­from·after⁺ ­his·brother :

and·he·hits ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­in·the·shofair

and·they·stand⁺ ­all·of ­the·people

and ­they·do·not·pursue⁺ ­again ­after⁺ ­Princepowr

and ­they·did·not·add⁺ ­again ­to·battle :

and·Father-Lamp ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­they·walked⁺ ­in·the·Arabah

all·of ­the·night ­he

and·they·cross·over⁺ ­°the·Descender ­and·they·walk⁺ ­all·of ­the·slicery

and·they·enter⁺ ­Camps² :

and·Yᴡ-Fathered ­he·returned ­from·after⁺ ­Father-Lamp

and·he·collects ­°all·of ­the·people

and·they·are·reckoned⁺ ­from·the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate ­nine ­and·ten ­man ­and·Deed·of ­Powr :

and·the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate ­they·struck⁺ ­from·Son-of-Right

and·in·the·mortals⁺·of ­Father-Lamp

three·of ­hundred⁺ ­and·sixty⁺ ­man ­they·died⁺ :

and·they·bear⁺ ­°Doing-of-Powr

and·they·entomb⁺·him ­in·the·tomb·of ­his·father

that ­House·of ­Bread

and·they·walk⁺ ­all·of ­the·night ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·his·mortals⁺

and·he·lights·up ­to·them ­in·Alliance :

and·she·is ­the·battle ­long

between ­the·house·of ­Requested

and·between ­the·house·of ­Intimate

and·Intimate ­walking ­and·becoming·firm

and·the·house·of ­Requested ­walking⁺ ­and·pulled·down :

and·they·are·enchilded⁺ ­to·Intimate ­sons⁺ ­in·Alliance

and·he·is ­his·firstborn ­Trueness

to·Brother-of-Amiability ­the·Powrseedsïte :

and·his·second ­Sustenance-of-Father

to·Father-of-Twirling ­the·woman·of ­Wilted ­the·Orchardïte

and·the·third ­Father-of-Shalom ­the·son·of ­Battering

the·daughter·of ­My-Terrace ­the·king·of ­Bridge :

and·the·fourth ­Lord-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Festiva

and·the·fifth ­Judge-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Father-of-Dew :

and·the·sixth ­Remaining-People

to·Ox ­the·woman·of ­Intimate

these ­they·were·enchilded⁺ ­to·Intimate ­in·Alliance :


and·he·is ­when·being ­the·battle

between ­the·house·of ­Requested

and·between ­the·house·of ­Intimate

and·Father-Lamp ­he·was ­making·oneself·firm ­in·the·house·of ­Requested :

and·to·Requested ­concubine

and·her·name ­Mosaic ­the·daughter·of ­Hawk

and·he·says ­to ­Father-Lamp

¿know·why ­you·entered ­to ­the·concubine·of ­my·father :

and·he·is·scorched ­to·Father-Lamp ­very ­upon ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Man ­Shame ­and·he·says ­¿head·of ­dog ­I ­that ­to·Gloryhand

the·day ­I·do ­mercy ­near ­the·house·of ­Requested ­your·father ­to ­his·brothers⁺ ­and·to ­his·tendent

and ­I·did·not·help·find·you ­in·the·hand·of ­Intimate

and·you·reckon ­upon·me ­the·guilt·of ­the·woman ­the·day :

thus ­he·does ­Powers⁺ ­to·Father-Lamp

and·thus ­he·adds ­to·him

as ­as·how ­he·vowed·seven ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·Intimate

as ­surely ­I·do ­to·him :

to·make·cross·by ­the·kingdom ­from·the·house·of ­Requested

and·to·raise ­°the·throne·of ­Intimate ­upon ­Princepowr ­and·upon ­Gloryhand

from·Vindicator ­and·unto ­Well·of ­Seven :

and ­he·was·not·able ­again

to·return ­°Father-Lamp ­speech

from·his·fearing ­°him :

and·he·sends ­Father-Lamp ­ministers⁺ ­to ­Intimate ­under·him ­saying ­to·¿who ­land

saying ­ꜝcut·in! ­your·covenant ­with·me

and·¡lo! ­my·hand ­near·you

to·turn ­to·you ­°all·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·says ­good

I ­I·cut·in ­with·you ­covenant

surely ­speech ­one ­I ­requesting ­from·with·you ­saying ­you·do·not·see ­°my·face⁺

as ­rather ­to·face⁺·of ­he·brought·you·in ­°Brook ­the·daughter·of ­Requested

when·you·enter ­to·see ­°my·face⁺ :

and·he·sends ­Intimate ­ministers⁺

to ­Man ­Shame ­the·son·of ­Requested ­saying

ꜝgive! ­°my·woman ­°Brook

that ­I·betrothed ­to·me

in·hundred ­the·foreskins⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·sends ­Man ­Shame

and·he·takes·her ­from·near ­man

from·near ­Rescue-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Cheetah :

and·he·walks ­with·her ­her·man ­walking ­and·weeping ­after⁺·her ­unto ­Choice·Youth

and·he·says ­to·him ­Father-Lamp ­ꜝwalk ­ꜝreturn ­and·he·returns :

and·the·speech·of ­Father-Lamp ­he·was

near ­the·elders⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

also ­recent ­also ­threeday

you·were⁺ ­seekers⁺ ­°Intimate ­to·king ­upon·you⁺ :

and·now ­ꜝdo⁺

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·said ­to ­Intimate ­saying

in·the·hand·of ­Intimate ­my·servant ­he·saved ­°my·people ­Princepowr ­from·the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·from·the·hand·of ­all·of ­their·enemies⁺ :

and·he·speaks ­also ­Father-Lamp ­in·the·ears²·of ­Son-of-Right

and·he·walks ­also ­Father-Lamp ­to·speak ­in·the·ears²·of ­Intimate ­in·Alliance

°all ­that ­he·was·good ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Princepowr

and·in·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­the·house·of ­Son-of-Right :

and·he·enters ­Father-Lamp ­to ­Intimate ­Alliance

and·with·him ­twenty⁺ ­mortals⁺

and·he·does ­Intimate ­to·Father-Lamp ­and·to·mortals⁺ ­that ­with·him ­drinkingfeast :

and·he·says ­Father-Lamp ­to ­Intimate ­ꜝlet·me·arise ­and·ꜝlet·me·walk ­and·ꜝlet·me·collect ­to ­my·lord ­the·king ­°all·of ­Princepowr ­and·they·cut·in ­with·you ­covenant


in·all ­that ­she·yearns·for ­your·soul

and·he·sends·out ­Intimate ­°Father-Lamp ­and·he·walks ­in·shalom :

and·¡lo! ­the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate ­and·Yᴡ-Fathered ­he·entered ­from·the·clouttroop

and·plunder ­much ­near·them ­they·brought·in⁺

and·Father-Lamp ­he·is·ńot ­near ­Intimate ­in·Alliance

as ­he·sent·him·out ­and·he·walks ­in·shalom :

and·Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·all·of ­the·host ­that ­with·him ­they·entered⁺

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·Yᴡ-Fathered ­saying

he·entered ­Father-Lamp ­the·son·of ­Lamp ­to ­the·king

and·he·sends·him·out ­and·he·walks ­in·shalom :

and·he·enters ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to ­the·king

and·he·says ­¿what ­you·did

¡lo! ­he·entered ­Father-Lamp ­to·you

to·¿what ­this ­you·sent·him·out ­and·he·walks ­walking :

you·knew ­°Father-Lamp ­the·son·of ­Lamp

as ­to·beguile·you ­he·entered

and·to·know ­°your·going ­and·°your·entry

and·to·know ­°all ­that ­you ­doing :

and·he·goes ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­from·near ­Intimate

and·he·sends ­ministers⁺ ­after⁺ ­Father-Lamp

and·they·return⁺ ­°him ­from·the·well·of ­the·Moving

and·Intimate ­he·did·not·know :

and·he·returns ­Father-Lamp ­Alliance

and·he·branches·out·him ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to ­the·midst·of ­the·gate

to·speak ­with·him ­in·the·relaxation

and·he·strikes·him ­there ­the·geared·up

and·he·dies ­in·the·blood·of ­Deed·of ­Powr ­his·brother :

and·he·hears ­Intimate ­from·after⁺ ­surely

and·he·says ­innocent ­I ­and·my·kingdom ­from·near ­Yʜᴡʜ ­unto ­eternity

from·the·bloods⁺·of ­Father-Lamp ­the·son·of ­Lamp :

they·whirl⁺ ­upon ­the·head·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·to ­all·of ­the·house·of ­his·father

and ­ꜝlet·him·not·be·cut·down ­from·the·house·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­emitting ­and·leper ­and·grasping·firmly ­in·the·stake ­and·falling ­in·the·sword ­and·lacking·of ­bread :

and·Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·Father-of-Homage ­his·brother

they·killed⁺ ­to·Father-Lamp

upon ­that ­he·put·to·death ­°Doing-of-Powr ­their·brother ­in·Hillside ­in·the·battle :


and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·to ­all·of ­the·people ­that ­with·him ­ꜝtear⁺ ­your⁺·coverings⁺ ­and·ꜝgird⁺ ­burlaps⁺

and·ꜝlament⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Father-Lamp

and·the·king ­Intimate

walking ­after⁺ ­the·branchbed :

and·they·entomb⁺ ­°Father-Lamp ­in·Alliance

and·he·bears ­the·king ­°his·voice ­and·he·weeps ­to ­the·tomb·of ­Father-Lamp

and·they·weep⁺ ­all·of ­the·people :


and·he·dirges ­the·king ­to ­Father-Lamp ­and·he·says

¿as·death·of ­wilted ­he·dies ­Father-Lamp :

your·hands² ­not ­chained⁺ ­and·your·feet² ­not ­to·coppers² ­they·were·brought·to·approach⁺

as·falling ­to·face⁺·of ­sons⁺·of ­evil ­you·fell

and·they·add⁺ ­all·of ­the·people ­to·weep ­upon·him :

and·he·enters ­all·of ­the·people ­to·feed ­°Intimate ­bread ­when·still ­the·day

and·he·vows·seven ­Intimate ­saying ­thus ­he·does ­to·me ­Powers⁺ ­and·thus ­he·adds

but ­rather ­to·the·face⁺·of ­entering ­the·sun ­I·taste ­bread ­or ­all·of ­smidge :

and·all·of ­the·people ­they·recognized⁺

and·he·is·good ­in·their·eyes²

as·all ­that ­he·did ­the·king

in·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­the·people ­he·was·good :

and·they·know⁺ ­all·of ­the·people ­and·all·of ­Princepowr ­in·the·day ­he

as ­she·was·not ­from·the·king

to·put·to·death ­°Father-Lamp ­the·son·of ­Lamp :


and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­his·servants⁺

¿not ­you·know⁺

as ­prince ­and·great ­he·fell ­the·day ­this ­in·Princepowr :

and·I ­the·day ­soft ­and·anointed ­king

and·the·mortals⁺ ­these ­the·sons⁺·of ­Balsamed ­hard⁺ ­from·me

he·shaloms ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·doing·of ­the·badness ­as·his·badness :


and·he·hears ­the·son·of ­Requested ­as ­he·died ­Father-Lamp ­in·Alliance

and·they·go·slack⁺ ­his·hands²

and·all·of ­Princepowr ­they·were·agitated⁺ :

and·two²·of ­mortals⁺ ­princes⁺·of ­clouttroops⁺ ­they·were⁺ ­the·son·of ­Requested ­the·name·of ­one ­In-Humiliation ­and·the·name·of ­the·second ­Charioteer ­the·sons⁺·of ­Pomegranate ­the·Wellsïte ­from·the·sons⁺·of ­Son-of-Right

as ­also ­Wells

she·is·considered ­upon ­Son-of-Right :

and·they·bolt⁺ ­the·Wellsïtes⁺ ­➝Cellars²

and·they·are⁺ ­there ­lodgers⁺

unto ­the·day ­this :

and·to·Yʜᴡ-Given ­the·son·of ­Requested

son ­stricken·of ­feet²

son·of ­five ­years⁺ ­he·was ­when·entering ­the·hearing·of ­Requested ­and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­from·Powr-Seeds ­and·she·bears·him ­his·true·caretaker ­and·she·flees

and·he·is ­when·she·is·alarmed ­to·flee ­and·he·falls ­and·he·is·hobbled ­and·his·name ­Mouther-of-Shame :

and·they·walk⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Pomegranate ­the·Wellsïte ­Charioteer ­and·In-Humiliation

and·they·enter⁺ ­as·the·heat·of ­the·day

to ­the·house·of ­Man ­Shame

and·he ­bedding

°the·bed·of ­the·noonpeak² :

and·they⁺ ­they·entered⁺ ­unto ­the·midst·of ­the·house ­taking⁺·of ­wheat⁺

and·they·strike⁺·him ­to ­the·geared·up

and·Charioteer ­and·In-Humiliation ­his·brother ­they·were·delivered⁺ :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·house ­and·he ­bedding ­upon ­his·branchbed ­in·the·chamber·of ­his·bed

and·they·strike⁺·him ­and·they·put·him·to·death⁺

and·they·remove⁺ ­°his·head

and·they·take⁺ ­°his·head

and·they·walk⁺ ­the·step·of ­the·Arabah ­all·of ­the·night :

and·they·bring·in⁺ ­°the·head·of ­Man ­Shame ­to ­Intimate ­Alliance

and·they·say⁺ ­to ­the·king

¡lo! ­the·head·of ­Man ­Shame ­the·son·of ­Requested ­your·enemy

that ­he·sought ­°your·soul

and·he·gives ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·my·lord ­the·king ­vengeances⁺ ­the·day ­this

from·Requested ­and·from·his·seed :

and·he·responds ­Intimate ­°Charioteer ­and·°In-Humiliation ­his·brother ­the·sons⁺·of ­Pomegranate ­the·Wellsïte ­and·he·says ­to·them

living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·ransomed ­°my·soul ­from·all·of ­rockiness :

as ­that·tells·forth ­to·me ­saying ­¡lo! ­he·died ­Requested ­and·he ­he·was ­as·fleshing·out ­in·his·eyes²

and·I·hold! ­in·him

and·I·kill·him ­in·Tziqlag

that ­to·give·me ­to·him ­fleshing-out :

¡yes! ­as ­mortals⁺ ­wicked⁺ ­they·killed⁺ ­°man ­just ­in·his·house ­upon ­his·bed

and·now ­¿not ­I·seek ­°his·blood ­from·your⁺·hand

and·I·consumed·by·fire ­°you⁺ ­from ­the·land :

and·he·commands ­Intimate ­°the·youths⁺ ­and·they·kill⁺·them ­and·they·put·an·end·to ­°their·hands² ­and·°their·feet²

and·they·hang⁺ ­upon ­the·kneepool ­in·Alliance

and·°the·head·of ­Man ­Shame ­they·took⁺

and·they·entomb⁺ ­in·the·tomb·of ­Father-Lamp ­in·Alliance :


and·they·enter⁺ ­all·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to ­Intimate ­➝Alliance

and·they·say⁺ ­saying

¡lo!·us ­your·bone ­and·your·flesh ­we⁺ :

also ­recent ­also ­threeday ­when·being ­Requested ­king ­upon·us

you ­you·were ­that·lets·go ­and·that·brings·in ­°Princepowr

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you ­you ­you·tend ­°my·people ­°Princepowr

and·you ­you·are ­to·foremost ­upon ­Princepowr :

and·they·enter⁺ ­all·of ­the·elders⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to ­the·king ­➝Alliance

and·he·cuts·in ­to·them ­the·king ­Intimate ­covenant ­in·Alliance ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·anoint⁺ ­°Intimate ­to·king ­upon ­Princepowr :


son·of ­thirty⁺ ­year ­Intimate ­when·he·is·king

forty⁺ ­year ­he·was·king :

in·Alliance ­he·was·king ­upon ­Gloryhand

seven ­years⁺ ­and·six ­new·moons⁺

and·in·Torahshalom ­he·was·king ­thirty⁺ ­and·three ­year

upon ­all·of ­Princepowr ­and·Gloryhand :

and·he·walks ­the·king ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­Torahshalom

to ­the·Troddenïte ­the·settling·of ­the·land

and·he·says ­to·Intimate ­saying ­you·do·not·enter ­here

but ­rather ­he·removed·you ­the·blind⁺ ­and·the·hobbling⁺ ­saying

he·does·not·enter ­Intimate ­here :

and·he·seizes ­Intimate

°the·huntinglodge·of ­Tzion

she ­the·city·of ­Intimate :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­in·the·day ­he ­all ­the·striking·of ­Troddenïte ­and·he·touches ­in·the·spout

and·°the·hobbling⁺ ­and·°the·blind⁺

the·hated⁺·of ­the·soul·of ­Intimate

upon ­surely ­they·say⁺

blind ­and·hobbling

he·does·not·enter ­to ­the·house :

and·he·settles ­Intimate ­in·the·huntinglodge

and·he·calls ­to·her ­the·city·of ­Intimate

and·he·builds ­Intimate ­turninground

from ­the·fulling ­and➝house :

and·he·walks ­Intimate ­walking ­and·becoming·great

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­hosts⁺ ­near·him :


and·he·sends ­Their-Brilliance ­the·king·of ­Rock ­ministers⁺ ­to ­Intimate

and·trees⁺·of ­cedars⁺

and·craftsmen·of ­treestick

and·craftsmen·of ­stone·of ­wall

and·they·build⁺ ­house ­to·Intimate :

and·he·knows ­Intimate

as ­he·made·him·sure ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·king ­upon ­Princepowr

and·as ­he·bore·up ­his·kingdom

in·sake·of ­his·people ­Princepowr :

and·he·takes ­Intimate ­again ­concubines⁺ ­and·women⁺ ­from·Torahshalom

after⁺ ­his·entering ­from·Alliance

and·they·are·enchilded⁺ ­again ­to·Intimate ­sons⁺ ­and·daughters⁺ :

and·these ­the·names⁺·of ­the·child⁺ ­to·him ­in·Torahshalom

Heard ­and·Turning

and·Given ­and·Shalomo :

and·He-Chooses ­and·Powr-Saved ­and·Germination ­and·Shining :

and·Powr-Hears ­and·Powr-Knows ­and·Power-of-Rescue :


and·they·hear⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­as ­they·anointed⁺ ­°Intimate ­to·king ­upon ­Princepowr

and·they·go·up⁺ ­all·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­to·seek ­°Intimate

and·he·hears ­Intimate

and·he·descends ­to ­the·huntinglodge :

and·Palestinians⁺ ­they·entered⁺

and·they·are·left·alone ­in·the·deepland·of ­Raphahs⁺ :

and·he·requests ­Intimate ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

¿I·go·up ­to ­Palestinians⁺

¿you·give·them ­in·my·hand

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Intimate ­go·up

as ­giving ­I·give ­°the·Palestinians⁺ ­in·your·hand :

and·he·enters ­Intimate ­in·Master·of ­Ruptures ­and·he·strikes·them ­there ­Intimate

and·he·says ­he·erupted ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°my·enemies⁺ ­to·my·face⁺ ­as·rupture·of ­waters⁺

upon ­surely ­he·called ­the·name·of ­the·rising·place ­he ­Master·of ­Ruptures :

and·they·abandon⁺ ­there ­°their·pains⁺

and·he·bears·them ­Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺ :


and·they·add⁺ ­again ­Palestinians⁺ ­to·go·up

and·they·are·left·alone ­in·the·deepland·of ­Raphahs⁺ :

and·he·requests ­Intimate ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·says ­you·do·not·go·up

ꜝturn ­to ­after⁺·them

and·you·entered ­to·them ­from·snip·of ­weeping·willows⁺ :

and·ꜝlet·him·be ­as·you·hear ­°voice·of ­pacing ­in·the·heads⁺·of ­the·weeping·willows⁺ ­then ­you·decide

as ­then ­he·went ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·your·face⁺

to·strike ­in·the·camp·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·does ­Intimate ­surely

as·how ­he·commanded·him ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·strikes ­°Palestinians⁺

from·Hill ­unto ­your·entering ­Section :


and·he·gathers ­again ­Intimate ­°all·of ­chosen ­in·Princepowr ­thirty⁺ ­thousand :

and·he·arises ­and·he·walks ­Intimate ­and·all·of ­the·people ­that ­with·him

from·Mistresses⁺·of ­Gloryhand

to·offer·up ­from·there ­°the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

that ­he·was·called ­name ­the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­settling ­the·cherubs⁺ ­upon·him :

and·they·carry⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­to ­wagon ­new


from·the·house·of ­Father-Noble ­that ­in·the·hill

and·Might ­and·Brotherly ­the·sons⁺·of ­Father-Noble

leading⁺ ­°the·wagon ­new :

and·they·bear⁺·him ­from·the·house·of ­Father-Noble ­that ­in·the·hill

near ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·Brotherly ­walking ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·ark :

and·Intimate ­and·all·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­making·laughter⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·all·of ­trees⁺·of ­firs⁺

and·in·lyres⁺ ­and·in·wiltharps⁺ ­and·in·timbrels⁺

and·in·rattletattles⁺ ­and·in·ring-ringers⁺ :

and·they·enter⁺ ­unto ­the·threshingfloor·of ­Assured

and·he·sends ­Might ­to ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­and·he·holds ­in·him

as ­they·released⁺ ­the·plowcattle :

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·Might

and·he·strikes·him ­there ­the·Powers⁺ ­upon ­the·laxity

and·he·dies ­there

near ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ :

and·he·is·scorched ­to·Intimate

upon ­that ­he·erupted ­Yʜᴡʜ ­rupture ­in·Might

and·he·calls ­to·the·rising·place ­he ­Rupture ­Might

unto ­the·day ­this :

and·he·fears ­Intimate ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·day ­he

and·he·says ­¿ħow ­he·enters ­to·me ­the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and ­he·did·not·want ­Intimate ­to·remove ­to·him ­°the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­the·city·of ­Intimate

and·he·branches·out·him ­Intimate

the·house·of ­Servant ­Blood ­the·Cellarïte :

and·he·settles ­the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·house·of ­Servant ­Blood ­the·Cellarïte ­three ­new·moons⁺

and·he·kneels ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Servant ­Blood ­and·°all·of ­his·house :

and·he·is·told·forth ­to·the·king ­Intimate ­saying

he·knelt ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·house·of ­Servant ­Blood ­and·°all ­that ­to·him

in·sake·of ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·he·walks ­Intimate ­and·he·offers·up ­°the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­from·the·house·of ­Servant ­Blood ­the·city·of ­Intimate ­in·gladness :

and·he·is ­as ­they·paced⁺ ­the·bearers⁺·of ­the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­six ­paces⁺

and·he·offers ­bull ­and·empirecalf :

and·Intimate ­goating·around ­in·all·of ­might ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·Intimate ­girded ­ephod·of ­lonen :

and·Intimate ­and·all·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

offering·up⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·cheer ­and·in·voice·of ­shofair :

and·he·was ­the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

he·entered ­the·city·of ­Intimate

and·Brook ­the·daughter·of ­Requested ­she·peered·out ­about ­the·window-piercing ­and·she·sees ­°the·king ­Intimate ­making·sterling ­and·goating·around ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·despises ­to·him ­in·her·heart :

and·they·bring·in⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·they·situate⁺ ­°him ­in·his·rising·place

in·the·midst·of ­the·tent

that ­he·branched·out ­to·him ­Intimate

and·he·offers·up ­Intimate ­upward·offerings⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·shaloms⁺ :

and·he·is·all·done ­Intimate

from·offering·up ­the·upward·offering ­and·the·shaloms⁺

and·he·kneels ­°the·people

in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :

and·he·divides ­to·all·of ­the·people ­to·all·of ­the·hum·of ­Princepowr ­to·from·man ­and·unto ­woman

to·man ­pierced-challah·of ­bread ­one·of

and·shofairette ­one

and·firedrink ­one

and·he·walks ­all·of ­the·people ­man ­to·his·house :

and·he·returns ­Intimate ­to·kneel ­°his·house

and·she·goes ­Brook ­the·daughter·of ­Requested ­to·call·on ­Intimate

and·she·says ­¿what ­he·was·weighty ­the·day ­the·king·of ­Princepowr ­that ­he·was·stripped ­the·day ­to·the·eyes²·of ­the·amahs⁺·of ­his·servants⁺

as·stripping⁺·of ­strippers⁺ ­one·of ­the·empty⁺ :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Brook

to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·chose ­in·me ­from·your·father ­and·from·all·of ­his·house

to·command ­°me ­foremost ­upon ­the·people·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­Princepowr

and·I·made·laughter ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·I·was·slight ­again ­from·this

and·I·was ­low ­in·my·eyes²

and·near ­the·amahs⁺ ­that ­you·said

near·them ­ꜝlet·me·be·weighty :

and·to·Brook ­the·daughter·of ­Requested

he·was·not ­to·her ­child

unto ­the·day·of ­her·death :


and·he·is ­as ­he·settled ­the·king ­in·his·house

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·set·in·peace ­to·him ­from·turninground ­from·all·of ­his·enemies⁺ :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Given ­the·prophet

ꜝsee ­¡please!

I ­settling ­in·house·of ­cedars⁺

and·the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

settling ­in·the·midst·of ­the·curtain :

and·he·says ­Given ­to ­the·king

all·of ­that ­in·your·heart ­ꜝwalk ­ꜝdo

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­near·you :

and·he·is ­in·the·night ­he

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Given ­saying :

ꜝwalk ­and·you·said ­to ­my·servant ­to ­Intimate

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¿you ­you·build ­to·me ­house ­to·settle·me :

as ­I·did·not·settle ­in·house

to·from·day ­my·offering·up ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from·Egypts²

and·unto ­the·day ­this

and·I·am ­walking·oneself

in·tent ­and·in·dwelling·place :

in·all ­that ­I·walked·myself ­in·all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

¿speech ­I·spoke ­with ­one·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr

that ­I·commanded ­to·tend ­°my·people ­°Princepowr ­saying

to·¿what ­you·did·not·build⁺ ­to·me ­house·of ­cedars⁺ :

and·now ­thus ­you·say ­to·my·servant ­to·Intimate ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

I ­I·took·you ­from ­the·habitation

from·after ­the·sheep

to·be ­foremost

upon ­my·people ­upon ­Princepowr :

and·I·am ­near·you ­in·all ­that ­you·walked

and·I·cut·down! ­°all·of ­your·enemies⁺ ­from·your·face⁺

and·I·did ­to·you ­name ­great

as·the·name·of ­the·great⁺ ­that ­in·the·land :

and·I·placed ­rising·place ­to·my·people ­to·Princepowr ­and·I·planted·him ­and·he·dwelled ­unders⁺·him

and ­he·is·not·stirred·up ­again

and ­they·do·not·add⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­evil ­to·humiliate·him

as·how ­in·the·headmost :

and·to·from ­the·day ­that ­I·commanded ­judges⁺ ­upon ­my·people ­Princepowr

and·I·set·in·peace ­to·you ­from·all·of ­your·enemies⁺

and·he·told·forth ­to·you ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­house ­he·does ­to·you ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­they·fill⁺ ­your·days⁺ ­and·you·bedded ­with ­your·fathers⁺

and·I·raised ­°your·seed ­after⁺·you

that ­he·goes ­from·your·bowels⁺

and·I·made·sure ­°his·kingdom :

he ­he·builds ­house ­to·my·name

and·I·made·sure ­°the·throne·of ­his·kingdom ­unto ­eternity :

I ­I·am ­to·him ­to·father

and·he ­he·is ­to·me ­to·son

that ­when·he·acts·guiltily

and·I·reproved·him ­in·stem·of ­mortals⁺

and·in·touches⁺·of ­sons⁺·of ­adam :

and·my·mercy ­he·does·not·move ­from·him

as·how ­I·removed ­from·near ­Requested

that ­I·removed ­from·to·your·face⁺ :

and·he·was·true ­your·house ­and·your·kingdom ­unto ­eternity ­to·your·face⁺


he·is ­assured ­unto ­eternity :

as·all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·as·all·of ­the·vision ­this

surely ­he·spoke ­Given ­to ­Intimate :

and·he·enters ­the·king ­Intimate

and·he·settles ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·says ­¿who ­I ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·¿who ­my·house

as ­you·brought·me·in ­unto ­here :

and·she·is·small ­again ­this ­in·your·eyes² ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you·speak ­also ­to ­the·house·of ­your·servant ­to·from·afar

and·this ­the·torah·of ­the·adam ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·¿what ­he·adds ­Intimate ­again ­to·speak ­to·you

and·you ­you·knew ­°your·servant ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ :

in·sake·of ­your·speech ­and·as·your·heart

you·did ­°all·of ­the·greatness ­this

to·let·know ­°your·servant :

upon ­surely ­you·became·great ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­there·is·ńot ­as·you ­and·there·is·ńot ­Powers⁺ ­beyond·you

in·all ­that ­we·heard⁺ ­in·our·ears² :

and·¿who ­as·your·people ­as·Princepowr

clan ­one ­in·the·land

that ­they·walked⁺ ­Powers⁺ ­to·ransom ­to·him ­to·people ­and·to·place ­to·him ­name ­and·to·do ­to·you⁺ ­the·greatness ­and·fearsome⁺ ­to·your·land

from·the·face⁺·of ­your·people ­that ­you·ransomed ­to·you ­from·Egypts²

clans⁺ ­and·his·Powers⁺ :

and·you·make·sure ­to·you ­°your·people ­Princepowr ­to·you ­to·people ­unto ­eternity

and·you ­Yʜᴡʜ

you·were ­to·them ­to·Powers⁺ :

and·now ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺

the·speech ­that ­you·spoke ­upon ­your·servant ­and·upon ­his·house

ꜝraise ­unto ­eternity

and·ꜝdo ­as·how ­you·spoke :

and·he·becomes·great ­your·name ­unto ­eternity ­saying

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

Powers⁺ ­upon ­Princepowr

and·the·house·of ­your·servant ­Intimate

he·is ­assured ­to·your·face⁺ :

as ­you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­you·stripped·out ­°the·ear·of ­your·servant ­saying

house ­I·build ­to·you

upon ­surely ­he·found ­your·servant ­°his·heart

to·mediate ­to·you

°the·mediation ­this :

and·now ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­you ­he ­the·Powers⁺

and·your·speeches⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­truth

and·you·speak ­to ­your·servant

°the·goodness ­this :

and·now ­ꜝwill ­and·ꜝkneel ­°the·house·of ­your·servant

to·be ­to·eternity ­to·your·face⁺

as ­you ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­you·spoke


he·is·knelt·to ­the·house·of ­your·servant ­to·eternity :


and·he·is ­after⁺ ­surely

and·he·strikes ­Intimate ­°Palestinians⁺ ­and·he·cashes·them·out

and·he·takes ­Intimate ­°the·bridle·of ­the·mamastone ­from·the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·strikes ­°From-Father ­and·he·measures·them·out ­in·the·rope ­putting·to·bed ­°them ­➝land

and·he·measures·out ­two²·of ­ropes⁺ ­to·put·to·death

and·the·fullness·of ­the·rope ­to·keep·alive

and·she·is ­From-Father ­to·Intimate

to·servants⁺ ­bearers⁺·of ­tribute :

and·he·strikes ­Intimate

°Hadad-Helped ­the·son·of ­Broadway ­the·king·of ­Depot

when·he·walks ­to·return ­his·hand ­in·the·stream·of :

Euphrates :

and·he·seizes ­Intimate ­from·him ­thousand ­and·seven·of ­hundred⁺ ­shockcavalry

and·twenty⁺ ­thousand ­man ­on·foot

and·he·sterilizes ­Intimate ­°all·of ­the·chariot

and·he·lets·remain ­from·him ­hundred ­chariot :

and·she·enters ­Height·of ­Damascus

to·help ­to·Hadad-Helped ­the·king·of ­Depot

and·he·strikes ­Intimate ­in·Height

twenty⁺ ­and·two² ­thousand ­man :

and·he·places ­Intimate ­posts⁺ ­in·Height·of ­Damascus

and·she·is ­Height ­to·Intimate

to·servants⁺ ­bearers⁺·of ­tribute

and·he·saves ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Intimate

in·all ­that ­he·walked :

and·he·takes ­Intimate ­°the·controlshields⁺·of ­the·gold

that ­they·were⁺

to ­the·servants⁺·of ­Hadad-Helped

and·he·brings·them·in ­Torahshalom :

and·from·Trust ­and·from·Fir ­the·cities⁺·of ­Hadad-Helped

he·took ­the·king ­Intimate ­copper ­multiplying ­very :

and·he·hears ­My-Wandering ­the·king·of ­Rampart

as ­he·struck ­Intimate

°all·of ­the·strength·of ­Hadad-Helped :

and·he·sends ­My-Wandering ­°Yᴡ-High ­his·son ­to ­the·king ­Intimate ­to·request ­to·him ­to·shalom ­and·to·kneel·him ­upon ­that ­he·battled ­in·Hadad-Helped ­and·he·strikes·him

as ­the·man·of ­the·battles⁺·of ­My-Wandering ­he·was ­Hadad-Helped

and·in·his·hand ­they·were⁺ ­things⁺·of ­silver ­and·things⁺·of ­gold ­and·things⁺·of ­copper :

also ­°them ­he·made·sacred ­the·king ­Intimate ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

near ­the·silver ­and·the·gold ­that ­he·made·sacred

from·all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­that ­he·subdued :

from·Height ­and·from·From-Father ­and·from·the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled

and·from·Palestinians⁺ ­and·from·Amalek

and·from·the·plunder·of ­Hadad-Helped ­the·son·of ­Broadway ­the·king·of ­Depot :

and·he·does ­Intimate ­name

when·he·returns ­from·his·striking ­°Height ­in·Valley·of ­Salt

eight ­and·ten ­thousand :

and·he·places ­in·Blood ­posts⁺ ­in·all·of ­Blood ­he·placed ­posts⁺

and·he·is ­all·of ­Blood ­servants⁺ ­to·Intimate

and·he·saves ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Intimate

in·all ­that ­he·walked :

and·he·is·king ­Intimate ­upon ­all·of ­Princepowr

and·he·is ­Intimate ­doing ­judgment ­and·justice ­to·all·of ­his·people :

and·Yᴡ-Fathered ­the·son·of ­Balsamed ­upon ­the·host

and·Yʜᴡ-Judge ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-Child ­commemorating :

and·Just ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-Good ­and·Brother-of-King ­the·son·of ­Father-of-Remainder ­priests⁺

and·Prince-Yʜᴡ ­accounter :

and·Built-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Known

and·the·Cutter ­and·the·Courierïte

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Intimate ­priests⁺ ­they·were⁺ :


and·he·says ­Intimate

¿as ­there·is ­again

that ­he·remained ­to·the·house·of ­Requested

and·I·do ­near·him ­mercy

in·sake·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given :

and·to·the·house·of ­Requested ­servant ­and·his·name ­Depot

and·they·call⁺ ­to·him ­to ­Intimate

and·he·says ­the·king ­to·him ­¿you ­Depot ­and·he·says ­your·servant :

and·he·says ­the·king ­¿limit ­again ­man ­to·the·house·of ­Requested

and·I·do ­near·him ­the·mercy·of ­Powers⁺

and·he·says ­Depot ­to ­the·king

again ­son ­to·Yʜᴡ-Given ­stricken·of ­feet² :

and·he·says ­to·him ­the·king ­¿wẖere ­he

and·he·says ­Depot ­to ­the·king

¡lo! ­he ­the·house·of ­Seller ­the·son·of ­People-of-Powr ­in·Not ­Speak :

and·he·sends ­the·king ­Intimate

and·he·takes·him ­from·the·house·of ­Seller ­the·son·of ­People-of-Powr ­from·Not ­Speak :

and·he·enters ­Mouther-of-Shame ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­the·son·of ­Requested ­to ­Intimate

and·he·falls ­upon ­his·face⁺ ­and·he·prostrates·himself

and·he·says ­Intimate ­Mouther-of-Shame

and·he·says ­¡lo! ­your·servant :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Intimate ­ꜝdo·not·fear ­as ­doing ­I·do ­near·you ­mercy ­in·sake·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­your·father

and·I·returned ­to·you

°all·of ­the·field·of ­Requested ­your·father

and·you ­you·eat ­bread ­upon ­my·table ­always :

and·he·prostrates·himself ­and·he·says ­¿what ­your·servant

as ­you·faced

to ­the·dog ­the·dead ­that ­as·me :

and·he·calls ­the·king ­to ­Depot ­the·youth·of ­Requested ­and·he·says ­to·him

all·of ­that ­he·was ­to·Requested ­and·to·all·of ­his·house

I·gave ­to·the·son·of ­your·lords⁺ :

and·you·served ­to·him ­°the·adamah ­you ­and·your·sons⁺ ­and·your·servants⁺ ­and·you·brought·in ­and·he·was ­to·the·son·of ­your·lords⁺ ­bread ­and·he·ate·him

and·Mouther-of-Shame ­the·son·of ­your·lords⁺

he·eats ­always ­bread ­upon ­my·table

and·to·Depot ­five ­and·ten ­sons⁺ ­and·twenty⁺ ­servants⁺ :

and·he·says ­Depot ­to ­the·king

as·all ­that ­he·commands ­my·lord ­the·king ­°his·servant

surely ­he·does ­your·servant

and·Mouther-of-Shame ­eating ­upon ­my·table

as·one ­from·the·sons⁺·of ­the·king :

and·to·Mouther-of-Shame ­son ­small ­and·his·name ­Who-As

and·all·of ­the·seat·of ­the·house·of ­Depot

servants⁺ ­to·Mouther-of-Shame :

and·Mouther-of-Shame ­settling ­in·Torahshalom

as ­upon ­the·table·of ­the·king ­always ­he ­eating

and·he ­hobbling ­the·two²·of ­his·feet² :


and·he·is ­after⁺ ­surely

and·he·dies ­the·king·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled

and·he·is·king ­Gracious ­his·son ­unders⁺·him :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­I·do ­mercy ­near ­Gracious ­the·son·of ­Copperhead ­as·how ­he·did ­his·father ­near·me ­mercy

and·he·sends ­Intimate ­to·sigh·with·him ­in·the·hand·of ­his·servants⁺ ­to ­his·father

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate

the·land·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­to ­Gracious ­their·lords⁺ ­¿giving·weight ­Intimate ­°your·father ­in·your·eyes²

as ­he·sent ­to·you ­fellowsighers⁺

¿not ­in·sake ­examining ­°the·city ­and·to·footspy·her ­and·to·convert·her

he·sent ­Intimate ­°his·servants⁺ ­to·you :

and·he·takes ­Gracious ­°the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate ­and·he·shaves ­°the·half·of ­their·old·beard

and·he·cuts·down ­°their·tunics⁺ ­in·the·half ­unto ­their·putts⁺

and·he·sends·them·out :

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·Intimate ­and·he·sends ­to·call·on·them

as ­they·were⁺ ­the·mortals⁺ ­embarrassed⁺ ­very

and·he·says ­the·king ­ꜝsettle⁺ ­in·Breath

unto ­he·grows ­your⁺·old·beard ­and·you·returned⁺ :

and·they·see⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled

as ­they·made·themselves·stink⁺ ­in·Intimate

and·they·send⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­and·they·hire⁺ ­°Height·of ­House·of ­Broadway ­and·°Height·of ­Depot ­twenty⁺ ­thousand ­on·foot

and·°the·king·of ­Battering ­thousand·of ­man

and·the·man·of ­Good

two² ­and·ten ­thousand ­man :

and·he·hears ­Intimate

and·he·sends ­°Yᴡ-Fathered

and·°all·of ­the·host ­the·heroes⁺ :

and·they·go⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled

and·they·line·up ­battle ­the·opening·of ­the·gate

and·Height·of ­Depot ­and·Broadway ­and·the·man·of ­Good ­and·Battering

alone·them ­in·the·field :

and·he·sees ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­as ­she·was ­to·him ­the·face⁺·of ­the·battle

from·face⁺ ­and·from·aft

and·he·chooses ­from·all·of ­the·chosen⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·he·lines·up ­to·call·against ­Height :

and·°the·remainder·of ­the·people

he·gave ­in·the·hand·of ­Father-of-Homage ­his·brother

and·he·lines·up ­to·call·against ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled :

and·he·says ­if ­she·is·firm ­Height ­from·me

and·you·were ­to·me ­to·salvation

and·if ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­they·are·firm⁺ ­from·you

and·I·walked ­to·save ­to·you :

ꜝbe·firm ­and·we·make·ourselves·firm⁺ ­about ­our·people

and·about ­the·cities⁺·of ­our·Powers⁺


he·does ­the·good ­in·his·eyes² :

and·he·approaches ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·the·people ­that ­near·him

to·the·battle ­in·Height

and·they·flee⁺ ­from·his·face⁺ :

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­they·saw⁺ ­as ­he·fled ­Height

and·they·flee⁺ ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Father-of-Homage

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·city

and·he·returns ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­from·upon ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled

and·he·enters ­Torahshalom :

and·he·sees ­Height

as ­he·was·smitten ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·are·gathered⁺ ­united :

and·he·sends ­Hadad-Helped ­and·he·lets·go ­°Height ­that ­from·the·region·across ­the·Stream

and·they·enter⁺ ­Strength

and·Lattice ­the·prince·of ­the·host·of ­Hadad-Helped ­to·their·face⁺ :

and·he·is·told·forth ­to·Intimate

and·he·gathers ­°all·of ­Princepowr ­and·he·crosses·over ­°the·Descender

and·he·enters ­➝Strength

and·they·line·up ­Height ­to·call·against ­Intimate

and·they·battle⁺ ­near·him :

and·he·flees ­Height ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·he·kills ­Intimate ­from·Height ­seven ­hundred⁺ ­chariot

and·forty⁺ ­thousand ­shockcavalry

and·°Lattice ­the·prince·of ­his·host ­he·struck ­and·he·dies ­there :

and·they·see⁺ ­all·of ­the·kings⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­Hadad-Helped ­as ­they·were·smitten⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·make·shalom ­with ­Princepowr ­and·they·serve⁺·them

and·they·fear⁺ ­Height

to·save ­again ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled :


and·he·is ­to·the·turn·of ­the·year ­to·the·season·of ­going ­the·ministers⁺ ­and·he·sends ­Intimate ­°Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·°his·servants⁺ ­near·him ­and·°all·of ­Princepowr ­and·they·ruin⁺ ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled

and·they·rock·up ­upon ­Many

and·Intimate ­settling ­in·Torahshalom :

and·he·is ­to·the·season·of ­the·evening ­and·he·arises ­Intimate ­from·upon ­his·bed ­and·he·walks·himself ­upon ­the·roof·of ­the·house·of ­the·king

and·he·sees ­woman ­bathing ­from·upon ­the·roof


good·of ­sight ­very :

and·he·sends ­Intimate

and·he·investigates ­to·the·woman

and·he·says ­¿not ­this ­Daughter ­Seven ­the·daughter·of ­Powr-of-People

the·woman·of ­Light-of-Yʜ ­the·Castdownïte :

and·he·sends ­Intimate ­ministers⁺ ­and·he·takes·her ­and·she·enters ­to·him ­and·he·beds ­near·her

and·she ­sanctifier·oneself ­from·her·defilement

and·she·returns ­to ­her·house :

and·she·progenates ­the·woman

and·she·sends ­and·she·tells·forth ­to·Intimate

and·she·says ­pregnant ­I :

and·he·sends ­Intimate ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered

ꜝsend ­to·me

°Light-of-Yʜ ­the·Castdownïte

and·he·sends ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­°Light-of-Yʜ ­to ­Intimate :

and·he·enters ­Light-of-Yʜ ­to·him

and·he·requests ­Intimate ­to·the·shalom·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·to·the·shalom·of ­the·people

and·to·the·shalom·of ­the·battle :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to·Light-of-Yʜ

ꜝdescend ­to·your·house ­and·ꜝbathe ­your·feet²

and·he·goes ­Light-of-Yʜ ­from·the·house·of ­the·king

and·she·goes ­after⁺·him ­the·burden·of ­the·king :

and·he·beds ­Light-of-Yʜ ­the·opening·of ­the·house·of ­the·king

with ­all·of ­the·servants⁺·of ­his·lords⁺

and ­he·did·not·descend ­to ­his·house :

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·Intimate ­saying

he·did·not·descend ­Light-of-Yʜ ­to ­his·house

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Light-of-Yʜ ­¿not ­from·step ­you ­entering

¿know·why ­you·did·not·descend ­to ­your·house :

and·he·says ­Light-of-Yʜ ­to ­Intimate ­the·ark ­and·Princepowr ­and·Gloryhand ­settling⁺ ­in·the·knit·shelters⁺ ­and·my·lord ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·the·servants⁺·of ­my·lord ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·field ­camping⁺

and·I ­I·enter ­to ­my·house ­to·eat ­and·to·drink ­and·to·bed ­near ­my·woman

your·livings⁺ ­and·the·living·of ­your·soul

if ­I·do ­°the·speech ­this :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Light-of-Yʜ ­ꜝsettle ­in·this ­also ­the·day ­and·aftermorrow ­I·send·you·out

and·he·settles ­Light-of-Yʜ ­in·Torahshalom ­in·the·day ­he ­and·from·aftermorrow :

and·he·calls ­to·him ­Intimate ­and·he·eats ­to·his·face⁺ ­and·he·drinks ­and·he·gets·him·drunk

and·he·goes ­in·the·evening ­to·bed ­in·his·bed ­near ­the·servants⁺·of ­his·lords⁺

and·to ­his·house ­he·did·not·descend :

and·he·is ­in·the·dayplow

and·he·writes ­Intimate ­account ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·he·sends ­in·the·hand·of ­Light-of-Yʜ :

and·he·writes ­in·the·account ­saying

ꜝgrant⁺ ­°Light-of-Yʜ ­to ­the·snip·of ­the·face⁺·of ­the·battle ­the·firm

and·you·returned⁺ ­from·after⁺·him ­and·he·was·struck ­and·he·died :

and·he·is ­when·watching ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to ­the·city

and·he·gives ­°Light-of-Yʜ

to ­the·rising·place ­that ­he·knew

as ­mortals⁺·of ­strength ­there :

and·they·go⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·city ­and·they·battle⁺ ­with ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·he·falls ­from ­the·people ­from·the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate

and·he·dies ­also ­Light-of-Yʜ ­the·Castdownïte :

and·he·sends ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·he·tells·forth ­to·Intimate

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·battle :

and·he·commands ­°the·minister ­saying

as·you·are·all·done ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·battle ­to·speak ­to ­the·king :

and·he·was ­if ­she·goes·up ­the·heat·of ­the·king

and·he·said ­to·you

¿know·why ­you·approached⁺ ­to ­the·city ­to·battle

¿not ­you·knew⁺

°that ­they·torah ­from·upon ­the·rampart :

¿who ­he·struck ­°Father-King ­the·son·of ­Shame-Argues ­¿not ­woman ­she·dropped ­upon·him ­piece·of ­chariotstone ­from·upon ­the·rampart ­and·he·dies ­in·Eggy

to·¿what ­you·approached⁺ ­to ­the·rampart


also ­your·servant ­Light-of-Yʜ ­the·Castdownïte ­he·died :

and·he·walks ­the·minister

and·he·enters ­and·he·tells·forth ­to·Intimate

°all ­that ­he·sent·him ­Yᴡ-Fathered :

and·he·says ­the·minister ­to ­Intimate

as ­they·were·heroic⁺ ­upon·us ­the·mortals⁺

and·they·go⁺ ­to·us ­the·field

and·we·are⁺ ­upon·them ­unto ­the·opening·of ­the·gate :

and·they·torah ­that·torah ­to ­your·servants⁺ ­from·upon ­the·rampart

and·they·die⁺ ­from·the·servants⁺·of ­the·king

and·also ­your·servant ­Light-of-Yʜ ­the·Castdownïte ­he·died :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­the·minister ­thus ­you·say ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­ꜝlet·him·not·be·bad ­in·your·eyes² ­°the·speech ­this

as ­as·this ­and·as·this ­she·eats ­the·sword

grasp·firmly ­your·battle ­to ­the·city ­and·ꜝdemolish·her ­and·ꜝmake·him·firm :

and·she·hears ­the·woman·of ­Light-of-Yʜ

as ­he·died ­Light-of-Yʜ ­her·man

and·she·laments ­upon ­her·master :

and·he·crosses·over ­the·mourning ­and·he·sends ­Intimate ­and·he·gathers·her ­to ­his·house ­and·she·is ­to·him ­to·woman

and·she·enchilds ­to·him ­son

and·he·is·bad ­the·speech ­that ­he·did ­Intimate ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·sends ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Given ­to ­Intimate

and·he·enters ­to·him ­and·he·says ­to·him ­two²·of ­mortals⁺ ­they·were⁺ ­in·city ­one

one ­rich ­and·one ­poor :

to·rich ­he·was ­sheep ­and·plowcattle ­multiplying ­very :

and·to·the·poor ­there·is·ńot ­all ­but ­rather ­lamb ­one·of ­small ­that ­he·stocked·up

and·he·keeps·her·alive ­and·she·becomes·great ­near·him ­and·near ­his·sons⁺ ­united

from·his·morsel ­she·eats ­and·from·his·cup ­she·drinks ­and·in·his·bosom ­she·beds

and·she·is ­to·him ­as·daughter :

and·he·enters ­waywalker ­to·the·man·of ­the·rich

and·he·pities ­to·take ­from·his·sheep ­and·from·his·plowcattle

to·do ­to·the·wayfarer ­that·enters ­to·him

and·he·takes ­°the·lamb·of ­the·man ­the·poor


to·the·man ­that·enters ­to·him :

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Intimate ­in·the·man ­very

and·he·says ­to ­Given

living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as ­son·of ­death

the·man ­that·does ­this :

and·°the·lamb ­he·shaloms ­four·times²

on·the·heels·of ­that ­he·did ­°the·speech ­this

and·upon ­that ­he·did·not·pity :

and·he·says ­Given ­to ­Intimate ­you ­the·man

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­I ­I·anointed·you ­to·king ­upon ­Princepowr

and·I ­I·snatched·you·away ­from·the·hand·of ­Requested :

and·I·give! ­to·you ­°the·house·of ­your·lords⁺ ­and·°the·women⁺·of ­your·lords⁺ ­in·your·bosom

and·I·give! ­to·you

°the·house·of ­Princepowr ­and·Gloryhand

and·if ­little

and·ꜝlet·me·add ­to·you ­as·them ­and·as·them :

¿know·why ­you·despised ­°the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·do ­the·bad ­in·my·eyes²

°Light-of-Yʜ ­the·Castdownïte ­you·struck ­in·the·sword


you·took ­to·you ­to·woman

and·°him ­you·killed

in·the·sword·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled :

and·now ­she·does·not·move ­sword ­from·your·house ­unto ­eternity

on·the·heels·of ­as ­you·despised·me

and·you·take ­°the·woman·of ­Light-of-Yʜ ­the·Castdownïte

to·be ­to·you ­to·woman :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo!·me ­raising ­upon·you ­badness ­from·your·house

and·I·took ­°your·women⁺ ­to·your·eyes²

and·I·gave ­to·your·tendents⁺

and·he·bedded ­near ­your·women⁺

to·the·eyes²·of ­the·sun ­this :

as ­you ­you·did ­in·the·hiddenness

and·I ­I·do ­°the·speech ­this

before ­all·of ­Princepowr ­and·before ­the·sun :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Given

I·sinned ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·says ­Given ­to ­Intimate ­also ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·made·cross·by ­your·sin ­you·do·not·die :

limit·of ­as ­disregarding ­you·disregarded ­°the·enemies⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·speech ­this

also ­the·son ­the·child ­to·you ­dying ­he·dies :

and·he·walks ­Given ­to ­his·house

and·he·smites ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·child ­that ­she·enchilded ­the·woman·of ­Light-of-Yʜ ­to·Intimate ­and·he·is·mortal :

and·he·seeks ­Intimate ­°the·Powers⁺ ­about ­the·youth

and·he·fasts ­Intimate ­fasting

and·he·entered ­and·he·reposed ­and·he·bedded ­➝land :

and·they·arise⁺ ­the·elders⁺·of ­his·house ­upon·him

to·raise·him ­from ­the·land

and ­he·did·not·want

and ­he·did·not·shape ­with·them ­bread :

and·he·is ­in·the·day ­the·seventh ­and·he·dies ­the·child

and·they·fear⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate ­to·tell·forth ­to·him ­as ­he·died ­the·child ­as ­they·said⁺ ­¡lo! ­when·being ­the·child ­living ­we·spoke⁺ ­to·him ­and ­he·did·not·hear ­in·our·voice

and·¿ħow ­we·say⁺ ­to·him ­he·died ­the·child ­and·he·did ­badness :

and·he·sees ­Intimate ­as ­his·servants⁺ ­whispering·among·themselves⁺

and·he·discerns ­Intimate ­as ­he·died ­the·child

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­his·servants⁺ ­¿he·died ­the·child ­and·they·say⁺ ­he·died :

and·he·arises ­Intimate ­from·the·land ­and·he·bathes ­and·he·libates·on ­and·he·changes ­his·garments⁺

and·he·enters ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·prostrates·himself

and·he·enters ­to ­his·house

and·he·requests ­and·they·place⁺ ­to·him ­bread ­and·he·eats :

and·they·say⁺ ­his·servants⁺ ­to·him

¿what ­the·speech ­this ­that ­you·did

in·sake·of ­the·child ­living ­you·fasted ­and·you·weep

and·as·how ­he·died ­the·child

you·arose ­and·you·eat ­bread :

and·he·says ­when·still ­the·child ­living

I·fasted ­and·I·weep

as ­I·said ­¿who ­knowing

and·he·graced·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·lived ­the·child :

and·now ­he·died ­to·¿what ­this ­I ­fasting

¿I·am·able ­to·return·him ­again

I ­walking ­to·him

and·he ­he·does·not·return ­to·me :

and·he·sighs·with ­Intimate ­°Daughter ­Seven ­his·woman

and·he·enters ­to·her ­and·he·beds ­near·her

and·she·enchilds ­son ­and·she·calls ­°his·name ­Shalomo

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·loved·him :

and·he·sends ­in·the·hand·of ­Given ­the·prophet

and·he·calls ­°his·name ­Intimate-of-Yʜ

in·sake·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·battles ­Yᴡ-Fathered

in·Many·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled

and·he·seizes ­°the·city·of ­the·kingship :

and·he·sends ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­ministers⁺ ­to ­Intimate

and·he·says ­I·battled ­in·Many

also ­I·seized ­°the·city·of ­the·waters⁺ :

and·now ­ꜝgather ­°the·remainder·of ­the·people

and·ꜝcamp ­upon ­the·city ­and·ꜝseize·her

lest ­I·seize ­I ­°the·city

and·he·was·called ­my·name ­upon·her :

and·he·gathers ­Intimate ­°all·of ­the·people ­and·he·walks ­➝Many

and·he·battles ­in·her ­and·he·seizes·her :

and·he·takes ­°the·crown·of ­their·king ­from·upon ­his·head ­and·her·shekelness ­round·of ­gold ­and·stone ­precious

and·she·is ­upon ­the·head·of ­Intimate

and·the·plunder·of ­the·city ­he·let·go ­multiplying ­very :

and·°the·people ­that ­in·her ­he·let·go ­and·he·places ­in·the·jawcutter ­and·in·the·incisions⁺·of ­the·iron ­and·in·the·secateurs⁺·of ­the·iron ­and·he·made·cross·by ­°them ­in·the·white·brickyard

and·surely ­he·does

to·all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled

and·he·returns ­Intimate ­and·all·of ­the·people ­Torahshalom :


and·he·is ­after⁺ ­surely ­and·to·Father-of-Shalom ­the·son·of ­Intimate ­sister ­beautiful ­and·her·name ­Palm

and·he·loves·her ­Trueness ­the·son·of ­Intimate :

and·he·is·rocky ­to·Trueness ­to·pierce·oneself ­in·sake·of ­Palm ­his·sister

as ­virgin ­she

and·he·is·too·wonderful ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Trueness

to·do ­to·her ­smidge :

and·to·Trueness ­tendent ­and·his·name ­Yᴡ-Noble

the·son·of ­Hearing ­the·brother·of ­Intimate


man ­wise ­very :

and·he·says ­to·him ­¿know·why ­you ­thus ­pulled·down ­the·son·of ­the·king ­in·the·dayplow ­in·the·dayplow

¿not ­you·tell·forth ­to·me

and·he·says ­to·him ­Trueness

°Palm ­the·sister·of ­Father-of-Shalom ­my·brother ­I ­loving :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Yʜᴡ-Noble

ꜝbed ­upon ­your·bed ­and·ꜝpierce·yourself

and·he·entered ­your·father ­to·see·you ­and·you·said ­to·him ­she·enters ­¡please! ­Palm ­my·sister ­and·she·feeds·me ­bread ­and·she·did ­to·my·eyes² ­°the·food

because·of ­that ­ꜝlet·me·see

and·I·ate ­from·her·hand :

and·he·beds ­Trueness ­and·he·pierces·himself

and·he·enters ­the·king ­to·see·him ­and·he·says ­Trueness ­to ­the·king ­she·enters ­¡please! ­Palm ­my·sister ­and·she·heartens ­to·my·eyes² ­two²·of ­heart·cakes⁺

and·I·feed ­from·her·hand :

and·he·sends ­Intimate ­to ­Palm ­➝the·house ­saying

ꜝwalk ­¡please! ­the·house·of ­Trueness ­your·brother

and·ꜝdo ­to·him ­the·food :

and·she·walks ­Palm ­the·house·of ­Trueness ­her·brother ­and·he ­bedding

and·she·takes ­°the·dough ­and·she·kneads ­and·she·heartens ­to·his·eyes²

and·she·cooks ­°the·heart·cakes⁺ :

and·she·takes ­°the·√pan ­and·she·pours ­to·his·face⁺

and·he·refuses ­to·eat

and·he·says ­Trueness ­ꜝlet·go⁺ ­all·of ­man ­from·upon·me

and·they·go⁺ ­all·of ­man ­from·upon·him :

and·he·says ­Trueness ­to ­Palm ­bring·in ­the·food ­the·chamber

and·I·feed ­from·your·hand

and·she·takes ­Palm ­°the·heart·cakes⁺ ­that ­she·did

and·she·brings·in ­to·Trueness ­her·brother ­➝the·chamber :

and·she·brings·to·approach ­to·him ­to·eat

and·he·grasps·firmly ­in·her ­and·he·says ­to·her

ꜝenter ­ꜝbed ­near·me ­my·sister :

and·she·says ­to·him ­not ­my·brother ­ꜝdo·not·humiliate·me

as ­he·is·not·done ­surely ­in·Princepowr

ꜝdo·not·do ­°the·wiltedness ­this :

and·I ­¿where ­I·cause·to·walk ­°my·detraction

and·you ­you·are ­as·one·of ­the·wilted⁺ ­in·Princepowr

and·now ­ꜝspeak ­¡please! ­to ­the·king

as ­he·does·not·deprive·me ­from·you :

and ­he·did·not·want ­to·hear ­in·her·voice

and·he·is·firm ­from·her ­and·he·humiliates·her

and·he·beds ­with·her :

and·he·hates·her ­Trueness ­hatred ­great ­very

as ­great ­the·hatred ­that ­he·hated·her

from·love ­that ­he·loved·her

and·he·says ­to·her ­Trueness ­ꜝarise ­ꜝwalk :

and·she·says ­to·him ­not ­the·matters⁺·of ­the·badness ­the·great ­this

from·after ­that ­you·did ­near·me ­to·send·me·out

and ­he·did·not·want ­to·hear ­to·her :

and·he·calls ­°his·youth ­his·assistant

and·he·says ­ꜝsend⁺ ­¡please! ­°this ­from·upon·me ­➝the·exterior

and·ꜝlatch ­the·pulldoor ­after⁺·her :

and·upon·her ­shirt·of ­amplenesses⁺

as ­surely ­they·are·robed·in ­the·daughters⁺·of ­the·king ­the·virgins⁺ ­guises⁺

and·he·lets·go ­°her ­his·assistant ­the·exterior

and·he·latched ­the·pulldoor ­after⁺·her :

and·she·takes ­Palm ­ash ­upon ­her·head

and·the·shirt·of ­the·amplenesses⁺ ­that ­upon·her ­she·tore

and·she·places ­her·hand ­upon ­her·head

and·she·walks ­walking ­and·she·cried :

and·he·says ­to·her ­Father-of-Shalom ­her·brother ­¿Trueness ­your·brother ­he·was ­near·you

and·now ­my·sister ­ꜝcraft·silence ­your·brother ­he

ꜝdo·not·put ­°your·heart ­to·the·speech ­this

and·she·settles ­Palm ­and·desolate

the·house·of ­Father-of-Shalom ­her·brother :

and·the·king ­Intimate

he·heard ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·he·is·scorched ­to·him ­very :

and ­he·did·not·speak ­Father-of-Shalom ­near ­Trueness ­to·from·bad ­and·unto ­good

as ­he·hated ­Father-of-Shalom ­°Trueness

upon ­speech·of ­that ­he·humiliated

°Palm ­his·sister :


and·he·is ­to·years² ­days⁺

and·they·are⁺ ­shearing⁺ ­to·Father-of-Shalom

in·Master·of ­Courtyard ­that ­near ­Fruits²

and·he·calls ­Father-of-Shalom ­to·all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·king :

and·he·enters ­Father-of-Shalom ­to ­the·king

and·he·says ­¡lo! ­¡please! ­shearing⁺ ­to·your·servant

he·walks ­¡please! ­the·king ­and·his·servants⁺ ­near ­your·servant :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Father-of-Shalom ­not ­my·son ­¡please! ­ꜝlet·us·not·walk⁺ ­all·of·us

and ­we·do·not·weigh·down ­upon·you

and·he·erupts ­in·him ­and ­he·did·not·want ­to·walk ­and·he·kneels·him :

and·he·says ­Father-of-Shalom

and ­he·does·not·walk ­¡please! ­with·us ­Trueness ­my·brother

and·he·says ­to·him ­the·king

to·¿what ­he·walks ­near·you :

and·he·erupts ­in·him ­Father-of-Shalom

and·he·sends ­with·him ­°Trueness

and·°all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·king :

and·he·commands ­Father-of-Shalom ­°his·youths⁺ ­saying ­ꜝsee⁺ ­¡please! ­as·good ­the·heart·of ­Trueness ­in·the·wine ­and·I·said ­to·you⁺

ꜝstrike⁺ ­°Trueness ­and·you·put·to·death⁺ ­°him ­ꜝdo·not·fear⁺

¿not ­as ­I ­I·commanded ­°you⁺

ꜝbe·firm⁺ ­and·ꜝbe⁺ ­to·sons⁺·of ­strength :

and·they·do⁺ ­the·youths⁺·of ­Father-of-Shalom ­to·Trueness

as·how ­he·commanded ­Father-of-Shalom

and·they·arise⁺ ­all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·king ­and·they·chariot⁺ ­man ­upon ­his·ass ­and·they·flee⁺ :

and·he·is ­they⁺ ­in·the·step

and·the·hearing ­she·entered

to ­Intimate ­saying

he·struck ­Father-of-Shalom ­°all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·king

and ­he·did·not·remain ­from·them ­one :

and·he·arises ­the·king ­and·he·tears ­°his·coverings⁺ ­and·he·beds ­➝land

and·all·of ­his·servants⁺ ­posted⁺ ­torn⁺·of ­coverings⁺ :

and·he·responds ­Yᴡ-Noble ­the·son·of ­Hearing ­the·brother·of ­Intimate ­and·he·says ­ꜝlet·him·not·say ­my·lord ­°all·of ­the·youths⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·king ­they·put·to·death⁺

as ­Trueness ­alone·him ­he·died

as ­upon ­the·mouth·of ­Father-of-Shalom ­she·was ­placed

from·the·day·of ­his·humiliating

°Palm ­his·sister :

and·now ­ꜝlet·him·not·place ­my·lord ­the·king ­to ­his·heart ­speech ­saying

all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·king ­they·died⁺

as ­Trueness ­alone·him ­he·died :


and·he·bolts ­Father-of-Shalom

and·he·bears ­the·youth ­the·sentry ­°his·eyes²

and·he·sees ­and·¡lo! ­people ­much ­walking⁺ ­from·step ­after⁺·him ­from·the·hip·of ­the·mount :

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Noble ­to ­the·king

¡lo! ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·king ­they·entered⁺

as·the·speech·of ­your·servant ­surely ­he·was :

and·he·is ­as·he·is·all·done ­to·speak ­and·¡lo! ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·king ­they·entered⁺

and·they·bear⁺ ­their·voice ­and·they·weep⁺

and·also ­the·king ­and·all·of ­his·servants⁺

they·wept⁺ ­weeping ­great ­very :

and·Father-of-Shalom ­he·bolted

and·he·walks ­to ­My-Terrace ­the·son·of ­People-of-Splendor ­the·king·of ­Bridge

and·he·mourns ­upon ­his·son ­all·of ­the·days⁺ :

and·Father-of-Shalom ­he·bolted ­and·he·walks ­Bridge

and·he·is ­there ­three ­years⁺ :

and·she·is·all·done ­Intimate ­the·king

to·go ­to ­Father-of-Shalom

as ­he·sighed ­upon ­Trueness ­as ­he·died :

and·he·knows ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­the·son·of ­Balsamed

as ­the·heart·of ­the·king ­upon ­Father-of-Shalom :

and·he·sends ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­➝Hithorn

and·he·takes ­from·there ­woman ­wise

and·he·says ­to·her ­ꜝmourn ­¡please! ­and·ꜝbe·robed·in ­¡please! ­coverings⁺·of ­mourning ­and ­ꜝdo·not·libate·on ­oil

and·you·were ­as·woman ­this ­days⁺ ­many⁺

mourning ­upon ­dead :

and·you·entered ­to ­the·king

and·you·spoke ­to·him ­as·the·speech ­this

and·he·places ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­°the·speeches⁺ ­in·her·mouth :

and·she·says ­the·woman ­the·Hithornïte ­to ­the·king

and·she·falls ­upon ­her·nostrils² ­➝land ­and·she·prostrates·herself

and·she·says ­ꜝsave! ­the·king :

and·he·says ­to·her ­the·king ­¿what ­to·you

and·she·says ­¡ah,·no! ­woman ­widow ­I ­and·he·dies ­my·man :

and·to·your·family·servant ­two²·of ­sons⁺

and·they·strive·together ­the·two²·of·them ­in·the·field

and·there·is·ńot ­snatching·away ­between⁺·them

and·he·strikes·him ­one ­°one ­and·he·puts·to·death ­°him :

and·¡lo! ­she·arose ­all·of ­the·family ­upon ­your·family·servant ­and·they·say⁺ ­ꜝgive ­°the·striking·of ­his·brother ­and·we·put·him·to·death⁺ ­in·the·soul·of ­his·brother ­that ­he·killed

and·ꜝlet·us·destroy⁺ ­also ­°the·heir

and·they·quenched⁺ ­°my·ember ­that ­she·survived

to·not ­placing ­to·my·man ­name ­and·survivor ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·adamah :


and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­the·woman ­ꜝwalk ­to·your·house

and·I ­I·command ­upon·you :

and·she·says ­the·woman ­the·Hithornïte ­to ­the·king

upon·me ­my·lord ­the·king ­the·guilt ­and·upon ­the·house·of ­my·father

and·the·king ­and·his·throne ­innocent :

and·he·says ­the·king

the·speaker ­to·you ­and·you·brought·him·in ­to·me

and ­he·does·not·add ­again ­to·touch ­in·you :

and·she·says ­he·remembers ­¡please! ­the·king ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­from·multiplying ­the·goel·of ­the·blood ­to·ruin

and ­they·do·not·destroy⁺ ­°my·son

and·he·says ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­he·falls ­from·the·hair·of ­your·son ­➝land :

and·she·says ­the·woman

she·speaks ­¡please! ­your·family·servant ­to ­my·lord ­the·king ­speech

and·he·says ­ꜝspeak :

and·she·says ­the·woman

and·to·¿what ­you·considered ­as·this ­upon ­the·people·of ­Powers⁺

and·from·speaking ­the·king ­the·speech ­this ­as·transgressor

to·not ­returning ­the·king ­°that·is·banished·him :

as ­dying ­we·die⁺

and·as·the·waters⁺ ­the·drained⁺ ­➝land

that ­they·are·not·gathered⁺

and ­he·does·not·bear ­Powers⁺ ­soul

and·he·considered ­considerations⁺

to·not ­he·is·banished ­from·him ­banished :

and·now ­that ­I·entered ­to·speak ­to ­the·king ­my·lord ­°the·speech ­this

as ­they·made·me·fear⁺ ­the·people

and·she·says ­your·family·servant ­ꜝlet·me·speak ­¡please! ­to ­the·king

¿maybe ­he·does ­the·king ­°the·speech·of ­his·amah :

as ­he·hears ­the·king

to·snatch·away ­°his·amah ­from·the·spoon·of ­the·man

to·destroy ­°me ­and·°my·son ­united

from·the·derivation·of ­Powers⁺ :

and·she·says ­your·family·servant

he·is ­¡please! ­the·speech·of ­my·lord ­the·king ­to·peaceful·place

as ­as·the·minister·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­surely ­my·lord ­the·king ­to·hear ­the·good ­and·the·bad

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­ꜝlet·him·be ­near·you :


and·he·responds ­the·king ­and·he·says ­to ­the·woman

¡please! ­ꜝdo·not·stifle ­from·me ­speech

that ­I ­requesting ­°you

and·she·says ­the·woman

he·speaks ­¡please! ­my·lord ­the·king :

and·he·says ­the·king

¿the·hand·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­with·you ­in·all·of ­this

and·she·responds ­the·woman ­and·she·says ­the·living·of ­your·soul ­my·lord ­the·king ­if ­there·is ­to·go·right ­and·to·go·left ­from·all ­that ­he·spoke ­my·lord ­the·king

as ­your·servant ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­he ­he·commanded·me

and·he ­he·placed ­in·the·mouth·of ­your·family·servant

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these :

to·in·sake ­turning ­°the·face⁺·of ­the·speech

he·did ­your·servant ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­°the·speech ­this

and·my·lord ­wise ­as·the·wisdom·of ­the·minister·of ­the·Powers⁺

to·know ­°all ­that ­in·the·land :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered

¡lo! ­¡please! ­I·did ­°the·speech ­this

and·ꜝwalk ­ꜝreturn ­°the·youth ­°Father-of-Shalom :

and·he·falls ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to ­his·face⁺ ­➝land ­and·he·prostrates·himself ­and·he·kneels ­°the·king

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­the·day ­he·knew ­your·servant ­as ­I·found ­grace ­in·your·eyes² ­my·lord ­the·king

that ­he·did ­the·king ­°the·speech·of ­your·servant :

and·he·arises ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·he·walks ­➝Bridge

and·he·brings·in ­°Father-of-Shalom ­Torahshalom :


and·he·says ­the·king ­he·turns·around ­to ­his·house

and·my·face⁺ ­he·does·not·see

and·he·turns·around ­Father-of-Shalom ­to ­his·house

and·the·face⁺·of ­the·king ­he·did·not·see :

and·as·Father-of-Shalom ­he·was·not ­man ­beautiful ­in·all·of ­Princepowr ­to·praise ­very

from·the·spoon·of ­his·foot ­and·unto ­his·scalp

he·was·not ­in·him ­smudge :

and·when·he·shaves ­°his·head

and·he·was ­from·end·of ­days⁺ ­to·the·days⁺ ­that ­he·shaves

as ­weighty ­upon·him ­and·he·shaved·him

and·he·shekelled ­°the·hair·of ­his·head

hundred² ­shekels⁺ ­in·the·stone·of ­the·king :

and·they·are·enchilded⁺ ­to·Father-of-Shalom ­three ­sons⁺

and·daughter·of ­one ­and·her·name ­Palm

she ­she·was

woman ­beautiful·of ­sight :


and·he·settles ­Father-of-Shalom ­in·Torahshalom ­years² ­days⁺

and·the·face⁺·of ­the·king ­he·did·not·see :

and·he·sends ­Father-of-Shalom ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to·send ­°him ­to ­the·king

and ­he·did·not·want ­to·enter ­to·him

and·he·sends ­again ­second

and ­he·did·not·want ­to·enter :

and·he·says ­to ­his·servants⁺ ­ꜝsee⁺ ­the·division·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to ­my·hand ­and·to·him ­there ­hairbarley

ꜝwalk⁺ ­and·ꜝenflare⁺·her ­in·the·fire

and·they·enflare⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­Father-of-Shalom ­°the·division ­in·the·fire :


and·he·arises ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·he·enters ­to ­Father-of-Shalom ­➝the·house

and·he·says ­to·him

to·¿what ­they·enflared⁺ ­your·servants⁺ ­°the·division ­that ­to·me ­in·the·fire :

and·he·says ­Father-of-Shalom ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­¡lo! ­I·sent ­to·you ­saying ­ꜝenter ­here ­and·ꜝlet·me·send ­°you ­to ­the·king ­saying ­to·¿what ­I·entered ­from·Bridge

good ­to·me ­again ­I ­there

and·now ­I·see ­the·face⁺·of ­the·king

and·if ­there·is ­in·me ­guilt ­and·he·put·me·to·death :

and·he·enters ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to ­the·king ­and·he·tells·forth ­to·him

and·he·calls ­to ­Father-of-Shalom ­and·he·enters ­to ­the·king

and·he·prostrates·himself ­to·him ­upon ­his·nostrils² ­➝land ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·king

and·he·kisses ­the·king ­to·Father-of-Shalom :


and·he·is ­from·after⁺ ­surely

and·he·does ­to·him ­Father-of-Shalom

chariot ­and·horses⁺

and·fifty⁺ ­man ­runners⁺ ­to·his·face⁺ :

and·he·yoked·up ­Father-of-Shalom

and·he·stood ­upon ­the·hand·of ­the·step·of ­the·gate

and·he·is ­all·of ­the·man ­that ­he·is ­to·him ­argument ­to·enter ­to ­the·king ­to·the·judgment ­and·he·calls ­Father-of-Shalom ­to·him ­and·he·says ­¿where ­from·this ­city ­you

and·he·says ­from·one·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr ­your·servant :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Father-of-Shalom

ꜝsee ­your·speeches⁺ ­good⁺ ­and·in·view⁺

and·hearing ­there·is·ńot ­to·you ­from·with ­the·king :

and·he·says ­Father-of-Shalom

¿who ­he·places·me ­judge ­in·the·land

and·upon·me ­he·enters ­all·of ­man ­that ­he·is ­to·him ­argument ­and·judgment ­and·I·justified·him :

and·he·was ­when·present ­man

to·prostrate·oneself ­to·him

and·he·sent ­°his·hand ­and·he·grasped·firmly ­to·him ­and·he·kissed ­to·him :

and·he·does ­Father-of-Shalom ­as·the·speech ­this ­to·all·of ­Princepowr

that ­they·enter⁺ ­to·the·judgment ­to ­the·king

and·he·steals ­Father-of-Shalom

°the·heart·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Princepowr :


and·he·is ­from·end·of ­forty⁺ ­year

and·he·says ­Father-of-Shalom ­to ­the·king

ꜝlet·me·walk ­¡please! ­and·shalom ­°my·vow ­that ­I·vowed ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­in·Alliance :

as ­vow ­he·vowed ­your·servant

when·I·settle ­in·Bridge ­in·Height ­saying

if ­settling ­he·returns·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Torahshalom

and·I·served ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­

and·he·says ­to·him ­the·king ­ꜝwalk ­in·shalom

and·he·arises ­and·he·walks ­➝Alliance :


and·he·sends ­Father-of-Shalom ­footspies⁺

in·all·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

as·you·hear⁺ ­°the·voice·of ­the·shofair

and·you·said⁺ ­he·was·king ­Father-of-Shalom ­in·Alliance :

and·with ­Father-of-Shalom ­they·walked⁺ ­hundred² ­man ­from·Torahshalom

called⁺ ­and·walking⁺ ­to·their·completeness

and ­they·did·not·know⁺ ­all·of ­speech :

and·he·sends ­Father-of-Shalom ­°Brother-of-Sludge ­the·Strippingïte ­the·counselor·of ­Intimate ­from·his·city ­from·Stripping

when·he·offers ­°the·offerings⁺

and·he·is ­the·league ­bold

and·the·people ­walking ­and·much ­with ­Father-of-Shalom :

and·he·enters ­that·tells·forth

to ­Intimate ­saying

he·was ­the·heart·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr ­after⁺ ­Father-of-Shalom :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to·all·of ­his·servants⁺ ­that ­with·him ­in·Torahshalom ­ꜝarise⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·bolt⁺

as ­she·is·not ­to·us ­rescue ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Father-of-Shalom

ꜝspeed⁺ ­to·walk ­lest ­he·speeds ­and·he·caught·us ­and·he·banished ­upon·us ­°the·badness

and·he·struck ­the·city ­to·mouth·of ­sword :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­the·king ­to ­the·king

as·all ­that ­he·chooses ­my·lord ­the·king ­¡lo! ­your·servants⁺ :

and·he·goes ­the·king ­and·all·of ­his·house ­in·his·feet²

and·he·abandons ­the·king ­°ten·of ­women⁺ ­concubines⁺ ­to·watch ­the·house :

and·he·goes ­the·king ­and·all·of ­the·people ­in·his·feet²

and·they·stand⁺ ­the·house·of ­the·afar :

and·all·of ­his·servants⁺ ­crossers⁺ ­upon ­his·hand

and·all·of ­the·Cutter ­and·all·of ­the·Courierïte

and·all·of ­the·Cellarïtes⁺ ­six ­hundred⁺ ­man ­that ­they·entered⁺ ­in·his·foot ­from·Cellar

crossers⁺ ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·king :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­With-Me ­the·Cellarïte

to·¿what ­you·walk ­also ­you ­with·us

ꜝreturn ­and·ꜝsettle ­near ­the·king ­as ­unrecognized ­you

and·also ­stripping ­you ­to·your·rising·place :

recent ­your·entering ­and·the·day ­I·rattle·you·around ­near·us ­to·walk

and·I ­walking

upon ­that ­I ­walking

ꜝreturn ­and·ꜝreturn ­°your·brothers⁺ ­near·you ­mercy ­and·truth :

and·he·responds ­With-Me ­°the·king ­and·he·says

living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·the·living·of ­my·lord ­the·king

but ­rather ­in·rising·place·of ­that ­he·is ­there ­my·lord ­the·king ­if ­to·death ­if ­to·life⁺

as ­there ­he·is ­your·servant :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­With-Me ­ꜝwalk ­and·ꜝcross·over

and·he·crosses·over ­With-Me ­the·Cellarïte ­and·all·of ­his·mortals⁺

and·all·of ­the·toddlers ­that ­with·him :

and·all·of ­the·land ­weeping⁺ ­voice ­great

and·all·of ­the·people ­crossers⁺

and·the·king ­crosser ­in·the·river·of ­Gloominess

and·all·of ­the·people ­crossers⁺

upon ­face⁺·of ­step ­°the·outspeak :

and·¡lo! ­also ­Just ­and·all·of ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­with·him ­bearers⁺·of ­°the·ark·of ­the·covenant·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·they·pour⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·he·goes·up ­Father-of-Remainder

unto ­completed ­all·of ­the·people ­to·cross·over ­from ­the·city :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to·Just

ꜝreturn ­°the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­the·city

if ­I·find ­grace ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·returned·me ­and·he·showed·me ­°him ­and·°his·habitation :

and·if ­thus ­he·says

I·was·not·pleased ­in·you

¡lo!·me ­he·does ­to·me ­as·how ­he·was·good ­in·his·eyes² :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Just ­the·priest

¿see ­you

ꜝreturn! ­the·city ­in·shalom

and·Brother-of-Shell ­your·son ­and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­the·son·of ­Father-of-Remainder ­the·two²·of ­your⁺·sons⁺ ­with·you⁺ :

ꜝsee⁺ ­I ­delaying

in·the·arabahs⁺·of ­the·outspeak

unto ­entering ­speech ­from·near·you⁺ ­to·tell·forth ­to·me :

and·he·returns ­Just ­and·Father-of-Remainder ­°the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­Torahshalom

and·they·settle⁺ ­there :

and·Intimate ­going·up ­in·the·upward·way·of ­the·olives⁺ ­going·up ­and·weeping ­and·head ­to·him ­shrouded

and·he ­walking ­shoeless

and·all·of ­the·people ­that ­with·him ­they·shrouded⁺ ­man ­his·head

and·they·went·up⁺ ­going·up ­and·weeping :

and·Intimate ­he·told·forth ­saying

Brother-of-Sludge ­in·that·league⁺ ­near ­Father-of-Shalom

and·he·says ­Intimate

ꜝmake·mistaken ­¡please! ­°the·counsel·of ­Brother-of-Sludge ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is ­Intimate ­entering ­unto ­the·head

that ­he·prostrates·himself ­there ­to·Powers⁺

and·¡lo! ­to·call·on·him ­Hurried ­the·Longïte

torn ­his·shirt

and·adamah ­upon ­his·head :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Intimate

if ­you·crossed·over ­with·me

and·you·were ­upon·me ­to·burden :

and·if ­the·city ­you·return ­and·you·said ­to·Father-of-Shalom ­your·servant ­I ­the·king ­I·am

the·servant·of ­your·father ­and·I ­from·then·on

and·now ­and·I ­your·servant

and·you·scuttled ­to·me

°the·counsel·of ­Brother-of-Sludge :

and·¿not ­near·you ­there

Just ­and·Father-of-Remainder ­the·priests⁺

and·he·was ­all·of ­the·speech ­that ­you·hear ­from·the·house·of ­the·king

you·tell·forth ­to·Just ­and·to·Father-of-Remainder ­the·priests⁺ :

¡lo! ­there ­near·them ­the·two²·of ­their·sons⁺

Brother-of-Shell ­to·Just

and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­to·Father-of-Remainder

and·you·sent⁺ ­in·their·hand ­to·me

all·of ­speech ­that ­you·hear⁺ :

and·he·enters ­Hurried ­the·tendent·of ­Intimate ­the·city


he·enters ­Torahshalom :

and·Intimate ­he·crossed·over ­little ­from·the·head

and·¡lo! ­Depot ­the·youth·of ­Mouther-Of ­Shame ­to·call·on·him

and·couple·of ­donkeys⁺ ­wrapped⁺ ­and·upon·them ­hundred² ­bread ­and·hundred ­raisins⁺ ­and·hundred ­summer ­and·wiltbag·of ­wine :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Depot ­¿what ­these ­to·you

and·he·says ­Depot ­the·donkeys⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­the·king ­to·chariot ­and·the·bread ­and·the·summer ­to·eat ­the·youths⁺

and·the·wine ­to·drink ­the·tired ­in·the·outspeak :

and·he·says ­the·king

and·¿where ­the·son·of ­your·lords⁺

and·he·says ­Depot ­to ­the·king ­¡lo! ­settling ­in·Torahshalom

as ­he·said

the·day ­they·return⁺ ­to·me ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

°the·kingdom·of ­my·father :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to·Depot

¡lo! ­to·you

all ­that ­to·Mouther-Of ­Shame

and·he·says ­Depot ­I·prostrated·myself

I·find ­grace ­in·your·eyes² ­my·lord ­the·king :

and·he·entered ­the·king ­Intimate ­unto ­Choice·Youth

and·¡lo! ­from·there ­man ­going ­from·the·family·of ­the·house·of ­Requested ­and·his·name ­Hearing ­the·son·of ­Chaw

going ­going ­and·slighting :

and·he·lapidates ­in·the·stones⁺ ­°Intimate

and·°all·of ­the·servants⁺·of ­the·king ­Intimate

and·all·of ­the·people ­and·all·of ­the·heroes⁺

from·his·right ­and·from·his·left :

and·thus ­he·said ­Hearing ­when·he·slights

ꜝgo ­ꜝgo ­the·man·of ­the·bloods⁺ ­and·the·man·of ­the·no-benefit :

he·returned ­upon·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­all·of ­the·bloods⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Requested ­that ­you·were·king ­unders⁺·him

and·he·gives ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·kingship

in·the·hand·of ­Father-of-Shalom ­your·son

and·¡lo!·you ­in·your·badness

as ­man·of ­bloods⁺ ­you :

and·he·says ­Father-of-Homage ­the·son·of ­Balsamed ­to ­the·king

to·¿what ­he·slights ­the·dog ­the·dead ­this

°my·lord ­the·king

ꜝlet·me·cross·over ­¡please! ­and·ꜝlet·me·remove ­°his·head :

and·he·says ­the·king

¿what ­to·me ­and·to·you⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Balsamed

thus ­he·slights ­as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·said ­to·him ­ꜝslight ­°Intimate

and·¿who ­he·says

¿know·why ­you·did ­surely :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Father-of-Homage ­and·to ­all·of ­his·servants⁺

¡lo! ­my·son ­that ­he·went ­from·my·bowels⁺ ­seeker ­°my·soul

and·¡yes! ­as ­now ­Son·of ­the·Rightïte ­set·in·peace⁺ ­to·him ­and·he·slights

as ­he·said ­to·him ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¿maybe ­he·sees ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·my·eye

and·he·returned ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­goodness

under ­his·slight ­the·day ­this :

and·he·walks ­Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­in·the·step

and·Hearing ­walking ­in·the·rib·of ­the·mount ­to·near·him ­walking ­and·he·slights

and·he·lapidates ­in·the·stones⁺ ­to·near·him

and·he·dusted ­in·the·dust :


and·he·enters ­the·king ­and·all·of ­the·people ­that ­with·him ­tired⁺

and·he·is·resouled ­there :

and·Father-of-Shalom ­and·all·of ­the·people ­the·man·of ­Princepowr

they·entered⁺ ­Torahshalom

and·Brother-of-Sludge ­with·him :

and·he·is ­as·how ­he·entered ­Hurried ­the·Longïte ­the·tendent·of ­Intimate ­to ­Father-of-Shalom

and·he·says ­Hurried ­to ­Father-of-Shalom

ꜝlet·him·live ­the·king ­ꜝlet·him·live ­the·king :

and·he·says ­Father-of-Shalom ­to ­Hurried

this ­your·mercy ­with ­your·tendent

to·¿what ­you·did·not·walk ­with ­your·tendent :

and·he·says ­Hurried ­to ­Father-of-Shalom

not ­as ­that ­he·chose ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·the·people ­this ­and·all·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr

to·him ­I·am ­and·with·him ­I·settle :

and·the·second ­to·¿who ­I ­I·serve

¿not ­to·the·face⁺·of ­his·son

as·how ­I·served ­to·the·face⁺·of ­your·father

surely ­I·am ­to·your·face⁺ :


and·he·says ­Father-of-Shalom ­to ­Brother-of-Sludge

ꜝgrant⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­counsel ­¿what ­we·do⁺ :

and·he·says ­Brother-of-Sludge ­to ­Father-of-Shalom

ꜝenter ­to ­the·concubines⁺·of ­your·father

that ­he·set·in·peace ­to·watch ­the·house

and·he·heard ­all·of ­Princepowr ­as ­you·made·yourself·stink ­with ­your·father


hands²·of ­all ­that ­with·you :

and·they·branch·out ­to·Father-of-Shalom ­the·tent ­upon ­the·roof

and·he·enters ­Father-of-Shalom ­to ­the·concubines⁺·of ­his·father

to·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­Princepowr :

and·the·counsel·of ­Brother-of-Sludge ­that ­he·counselled ­in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺

as·how ­he·requests ­man ­in·the·speech·of ­the·Powers⁺

surely ­all·of ­the·counsel·of ­Brother-of-Sludge

also ­to·Intimate ­also ­to·Father-of-Shalom :

and·he·says ­Brother-of-Sludge ­to ­Father-of-Shalom

ꜝlet·me·choose ­¡please! ­two² ­and·ten ­thousand ­man

and·ꜝlet·me·arise ­and·ꜝlet·me·pursue ­after⁺ ­Intimate ­the·night :

and·I·enter ­upon·him ­and·he ­belabored ­and·slack·of ­hands²

and·I·caused·to·shudder ­°him

and·he·fled ­all·of ­the·people ­that ­with·him

and·I·struck ­°the·king ­alone·him :

and·ꜝlet·me·return ­all·of ­the·people ­to·you

as·returning ­all

the·man ­that ­you ­seeker

all·of ­the·people ­he·is ­shalom :

and·he·is·straight ­the·speech ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Father-of-Shalom

and·in·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­the·elders⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·says ­Father-of-Shalom

ꜝcall ­¡please!

also ­to·Hurried ­the·Longïte

and·ꜝlet·us·hear⁺ ­¿what ­in·his·mouth ­also ­he :

and·he·enters ­Hurried ­to ­Father-of-Shalom

and·he·says ­Father-of-Shalom ­to·him ­saying ­as·the·speech ­this ­he·spoke ­Brother-of-Sludge

¿we·do⁺ ­°his·speech

if ­there·is·ńot ­you ­ꜝspeak :

and·he·says ­Hurried ­to ­Father-of-Shalom

not ­good ­the·counsel ­that ­he·counselled ­Brother-of-Sludge ­in·the·time ­this :

and·he·says ­Hurried ­you ­you·knew ­°your·father ­and·°his·mortals⁺ ­as ­heroes⁺ ­they⁺ ­and·bitter⁺·of ­soul ­they⁺

as·bear ­bereaved ­in·the·field

and·your·father ­man·of ­battle

and ­he·does·not·repose ­with ­the·people :

¡lo! ­now ­he ­concealed ­in·one·of ­the·gorges⁺

or ­in·one·of ­the·rising·places⁺

and·he·was ­as·falling ­in·them ­in·the·first·pierce

and·he·heard ­that·hears ­and·he·said

she·was ­smiting

in·the·people ­that ­after⁺ ­Father-of-Shalom :

and·he ­also ­son·of ­strength ­that ­his·heart ­as·the·heart·of ­the·lion ­being·dampened ­he·is·dampened

as ­knowing ­all·of ­Princepowr ­as ­hero ­your·father

and·sons⁺·of ­strength ­that ­with·him :

as ­I·counselled ­being·gathered ­he·is·gathered ­upon·you ­all·of ­Princepowr ­from·Vindicator ­and·unto ­Well·of ­Seven

as·the·sand ­that ­upon ­the·sea ­to·multitude

and·your·face⁺ ­walking⁺ ­in·the·battle·presentation :

and·we·entered⁺ ­to·him ­in·one·of ­the·rising·places⁺ ­that ­he·was·found ­there

and·we·were·at·peace⁺ ­upon·him

as·how ­he·falls ­the·dew ­upon ­the·adamah

and ­he·did·not·remain ­in·him ­and·in·all·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­that ­with·him ­also ­one :

and·if ­to ­city ­he·is·gathered

and·they·bore⁺ ­all·of ­Princepowr ­to ­the·city ­she ­ropes⁺

and·we·ragged⁺ ­°him ­unto ­the·river

unto ­that ­he·was·not·found ­there ­also ­rocklet :


and·he·says ­Father-of-Shalom ­and·all·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr

good ­the·counsel·of ­Hurried ­the·Longïte

from·the·counsel·of ­Brother-of-Sludge

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·commanded ­to·scuttle ­°the·counsel·of ­Brother-of-Sludge ­the·good

to·in·sake ­bringing·in ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Father-of-Shalom ­°the·badness :

and·he·says ­Hurried ­to ­Just ­and·to ­Father-of-Remainder ­the·priests⁺

as·this ­and·as·this ­he·counselled ­Brother-of-Sludge ­°Father-of-Shalom

and·°the·elders⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·as·this ­and·as·this ­I·counselled ­I :

and·now ­ꜝsend⁺ ­speedily ­and·tell·forth⁺ ­to·Intimate ­saying ­ꜝdo·not·repose ­the·night ­in·the·arabahs⁺·of ­the·outspeak

and·also ­crossing·over ­you·cross·over

lest ­he·is·devoured ­to·the·king

and·to·all·of ­the·people ­that ­with·him :

and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­and·Brother-of-Shell ­standing⁺ ­in·Eyewell·of ­Footer ­and·she·walked ­the·family·servant ­and·she·told·forth ­to·them

and·they⁺ ­they·walk⁺

and·they·told·forth⁺ ­to·the·king ­Intimate

as ­they·are·not·able⁺ ­to·be·seen ­to·enter ­➝the·city :

and·he·sees ­°them ­youth

and·he·tells·forth ­to·Father-of-Shalom

and·they·walk⁺ ­the·two²·of·them ­speedily ­and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­house·of ­man ­in·Choice·Youth ­and·to·him ­well ­in·his·courtyard ­and·they·descend⁺ ­there :

and·she·takes ­the·woman ­and·she·stretches ­°the·knitting ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·well

and·she·fans·out ­upon·him ­the·grits⁺

and ­he·was·not·known ­speech :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­Father-of-Shalom ­to ­the·woman ­➝the·house ­and·they·say⁺ ­¿where ­Brother-of-Shell ­and·Yʜᴡ-Given

and·she·says ­to·them ­the·woman

they·crossed·over⁺ ­the·brook·of ­the·waters⁺

and·they·seek⁺ ­and ­they·did·not·find⁺

and·they·return⁺ ­Torahshalom :

and·he·is ­after⁺ ­their·walking ­and·they·go·up⁺ ­from·the·well


and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·the·king ­Intimate

and·they·say⁺ ­to ­Intimate ­ꜝarise⁺ ­and·ꜝcross·over⁺ ­speedily ­°the·waters⁺

as ­thus ­he·counselled ­upon·you⁺ ­Brother-of-Sludge :

and·he·arises ­Intimate ­and·all·of ­the·people ­that ­with·him

and·they·cross·over⁺ ­°the·Descender

unto ­the·light·of ­the·dayplow ­unto ­one ­not ­deflocked

that ­he·did·not·cross·over ­°the·Descender :

and·Brother-of-Sludge ­he·saw ­as ­she·was·not·done ­his·counsel

and·he·wraps ­°the·donkey ­and·he·arises ­and·he·walks ­to ­his·house ­to ­his·city

and·he·commands ­to ­his·house ­and·he·suffocates·himself

and·he·dies ­and·he·is·entombed ­in·the·tomb·of ­his·father :

and·Intimate ­he·entered ­➝Camps²

and·Father-of-Shalom ­he·crossed·over ­°the·Descender

he ­and·all·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr ­near·him :

and·°Loadd ­he·placed ­Father-of-Shalom ­under ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­upon ­the·host

and·Loadd ­son·of ­man ­and·his·name ­Remainder ­the·Princepowrïte

that ­he·entered ­to ­Father-of-Twirling ­the·daughter·of ­Copperhead

the·sister·of ­Balsamed ­the·mama·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered :

and·he·camps ­Princepowr ­and·Father-of-Shalom

the·land·of ­the·Roll-of-Witness :

and·he·is ­as·entering ­Intimate ­➝Camps²

and·Captor ­the·son·of ­Copperhead ­from·Many·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­and·Seller ­the·son·of ­People-of-Powr ­from·Not ­Speak

and·Iron ­the·Roll-of-Witnessïte ­from·Feet⁺ :

bed ­and·transporters⁺ ­and·thing·of ­former

and·wheat⁺ ­and·hairbarley ­and·meal ­and·roasted·corn

and·beans ­and·lentils⁺ ­and·roasted·corn :

and·honey ­and·butter ­and·sheep ­and·ridgecheeses⁺·of ­plowcattle

they·brought·to·approach⁺ ­to·Intimate ­and·to·the·people ­that ­with·him ­to·eat

as ­they·said⁺

the·people ­hungry ­and·tired ­and·thirsty ­in·the·outspeak :

and·he·reckons ­Intimate

°the·people ­that ­with·him

and·he·places ­upon·them

princes⁺·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·princes⁺·of ­hundred⁺ :

and·he·sends·out ­Intimate ­°the·people ­the·third ­in·the·hand·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·the·third ­in·the·hand·of ­Father-of-Homage ­the·son·of ­Balsamed ­the·brother·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered


in·the·hand·of ­With-Me ­the·Cellarïte

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­the·people

going ­I·go ­also ­I ­near·you⁺ :

and·he·says ­the·people ­you·do·not·go ­as ­if ­fleeing ­we·flee⁺ ­they·do·not·place⁺ ­to·us ­heart ­and·if ­they·die⁺ ­our·half ­they·do·not·place⁺ ­to·us ­heart

as ­now ­as·us ­ten ­thousands⁺

and·now ­good

as ­you·are ­to·us ­from·city ­to·help :

and·he·says ­to·them ­the·king

that ­he·is·good ­in·your⁺·eyes² ­I·do

and·he·stands ­the·king ­to ­the·hand·of ­the·gate

and·all·of ­the·people ­they·went⁺

to·hundred⁺ ­and·to·thousands⁺ :

and·he·commands ­the·king ­°Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·°Father-of-Homage ­and·°With-Me ­saying

to·gentleness ­to·me ­to·the·youth ­to·Father-of-Shalom

and·all·of ­the·people ­they·heard⁺ ­when·commanding ­the·king ­°all·of ­the·princes⁺ ­upon ­the·speech·of ­Father-of-Shalom :

and·he·goes ­the·people ­the·field ­to·call·against ­Princepowr

and·she·is ­the·battle ­in·the·forest·of ­Fruits² :

and·they·are·smitten⁺ ­there ­the·people·of ­Princepowr

to·the·face⁺·of ­the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate

and·she·is ­there ­the·smiting ­great ­in·the·day ­he ­twenty⁺ ­thousand :

and·she·is ­there ­the·battle ­scattered ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­all·of ­the·land

and·he·multiplies ­the·forest ­to·eat ­in·the·people

from·wħich ­she·ate ­the·sword ­in·the·day ­he :

and·he·is·called·on ­Father-of-Shalom

to·the·face⁺·of ­the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate

and·Father-of-Shalom ­charioting ­upon ­the·ass ­and·he·enters ­the·ass ­under ­the·lattice·of ­the·powrtree ­the·great ­and·he·is·firm ­his·head ­in·the·powrtree ­and·he·is·given ­between ­the·skies⁺ ­and·between ­the·land

and·the·ass ­that ­unders⁺·him ­he·crossed·over :

and·he·sees ­man ­one

and·he·tells·forth ­to·Yᴡ-Fathered

and·he·says ­¡lo! ­I·saw ­°Father-of-Shalom

hanged ­in·the·powrtree :

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to·the·man ­that·tells·forth ­to·him

and·¡lo! ­you·saw

and·¿know·why ­you·did·not·strike·him ­there ­➝land

and·upon·me ­to·give ­to·you ­ten ­silver

and·girdle ­one :

and·he·says ­the·man ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·iᵮ·only ­I ­shekelling ­upon ­my·spoons² ­thousand·of ­silver

I·do·not·send ­my·hand ­to ­the·son·of ­the·king

as ­in·our·ears² ­he·commanded ­the·king ­°you ­and·°Father-of-Homage ­and·°With-Me ­saying

ꜝwatch⁺ ­¿who ­in·the·youth ­in·Father-of-Shalom :

or ­I·did ­in·my·soul ­falsehood

and·all·of ­speech ­he·is·not·stifled ­from ­the·king

and·you ­you·post·yourself ­from·before :

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Fathered

not ­surely ­ꜝlet·me·wait ­to·your·face⁺

and·he·takes ­three ­stems⁺ ­in·his·spoon ­and·he·hits·them ­in·the·heart·of ­Father-of-Shalom

he·is·still ­living ­in·the·heart·of ­the·powrtree :

and·they·turn·around ­ten ­youths⁺

the·bearers⁺·of ­the·things⁺·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·they·strike⁺ ­°Father-of-Shalom ­and·they·put·him·to·death⁺ :

and·he·hits ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­in·the·shofair

and·he·returns ­the·people

from·pursuing ­after⁺ ­Princepowr

as ­he·kept ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­°the·people :

and·they·take⁺ ­°Father-of-Shalom ­and·they·drop⁺ ­°him ­in·the·forest ­to ­the·gorge ­the·great

and·they·post⁺ ­upon·him ­roll·of ­stones⁺ ­great ­very

and·all·of ­Princepowr

they·fled⁺ ­man ­to·his·tents⁺ :

and·Father-of-Shalom ­he·took ­and·he·posts ­to·him ­in·his·life⁺ ­°post ­that ­in·the·deepland·of ­the·king

as ­he·said ­there·is·ńot ­to·me ­son

in·sake ­commemorating ­my·name

and·he·calls ­to·the·post ­upon ­his·name

and·he·is·called ­to·her ­the·hand·of ­Father-of-Shalom

unto ­the·day ­this :

and·Brother-of-Shell ­the·son·of ­Just ­he·said

ꜝlet·me·run ­¡please!

and·ꜝlet·me·flesh·out ­°the·king

as ­he·judged·him ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·the·hand·of ­his·enemies⁺ :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­not ­man·of ­fleshing-out ­you ­the·day ­this

and·you·fleshed·out ­in·day ­after

and·the·day ­this ­you·do·not·flesh·out

for ­upon ­sureness ­the·son·of ­the·king ­he·died :

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to·the·Kushïte

ꜝwalk ­tell·forth ­to·the·king ­that ­you·saw

and·he·prostrates·himself ­Kushïte ­to·Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·he·runs :

and·he·adds ­again ­Brother-of-Shell ­the·son·of ­Just ­and·he·says ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·ꜝlet·him·be ­¿what

ꜝlet·me·run ­¡please! ­also ­I ­after⁺ ­the·Kushïte

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to·¿what ­this ­you ­runner ­my·son

and·to·you ­there·is·ńot ­fleshing-out ­helping·find :

and·ꜝlet·him·be ­¿what ­I·run

and·he·says ­to·him ­ꜝrun

and·he·runs ­Brother-of-Shell ­the·step·of ­the·round

and·he·crosses·over ­°the·Kushïte :

and·Intimate ­settling ­between ­the·two²·of ­the·gates⁺

and·he·walks ­the·sentry ­to ­the·roof·of ­the·gate ­to ­the·rampart

and·he·bears ­°his·eyes² ­and·he·sees

and·¡lo! ­man ­runner ­alone·him :

and·he·calls ­the·sentry ­and·he·tells·forth ­to·the·king

and·he·says ­the·king

if ­alone·him ­fleshing-out ­in·his·mouth

and·he·walks ­walking ­and·presenting·himself :

and·he·sees ­the·sentry ­man ­after ­runner

and·he·calls ­the·sentry ­to ­the·gatekeeper

and·he·says ­¡lo! ­man ­runner ­alone·him

and·he·says ­the·king ­also ­this ­fleshing·out :

and·he·says ­the·sentry

I ­seeing ­°the·running·of ­the·headmost

as·the·running·of ­Brother-of-Shell ­the·son·of ­Just

and·he·says ­the·king ­man ­good ­this

and·to ­fleshing-out ­good ­he·enters :

and·he·calls ­Brother-of-Shell ­and·he·says ­to ­the·king ­shalom

and·he·prostrates·himself ­to·the·king ­to·his·nostrils² ­➝land

and·he·says ­knelt·to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

that ­he·locked·in ­°the·mortals⁺

that ­they·bore·up ­°their·hand ­in·my·lord ­the·king :

and·he·says ­the·king

shalom ­to·the·youth ­to·Father-of-Shalom

and·he·says ­Brother-of-Shell ­I·saw ­the·hum ­the·great ­to·send ­°the·servant·of ­the·king ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·°your·servant

and ­I·did·not·know ­¿what :

and·he·says ­the·king

ꜝturn·around ­ꜝpost·yourself ­thus

and·he·turns·around ­and·he·stands :

and·¡lo! ­the·Kushïte ­he·entered

and·he·says ­the·Kushïte ­he·fleshes·himself·out ­my·lord ­the·king

as ­he·judged·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·day

from·hand·of ­all ­that·arise⁺ ­upon·you :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­the·Kushïte

¿shalom ­to·the·youth ­to·Father-of-Shalom

and·he·says ­the·Kushïte ­they·are⁺ ­as·the·youth ­the·enemies⁺·of ­my·lord ­the·king

and·all ­that ­they·arose⁺ ­upon·you ­to·badness :

and·he·is·stirred·up ­the·king ­and·he·goes·up ­upon ­the·upper·room·of ­the·gate ­and·he·weeps

and·thus ­he·said ­when·he·walks ­my·son ­Father-of-Shalom ­my·son ­my·son ­Father-of-Shalom

¿who ­he·gives ­my·dying ­I ­unders⁺·you

Father-of-Shalom ­my·son ­my·son :

and·he·is·told·forth ­to·Yᴡ-Fathered

¡lo! ­the·king ­weeping ­and·he·mourns ­upon ­Father-of-Shalom :

and·she·is ­the·salvation ­in·the·day ­he ­to·mourning ­to·all·of ­the·people

as ­he·heard ­the·people ­in·the·day ­he ­saying

he·was·pained ­the·king ­upon ­his·son :

and·he·steals·himself·away ­the·people ­in·the·day ­he ­to·enter ­the·city

as·how ­he·steals·himself·away ­the·people ­the·embarrassed⁺

when·they·flee⁺ ­in·the·battle :

and·the·king ­he·obscured ­°his·face⁺

and·he·cries ­the·king ­voice ­great

my·son ­Father-of-Shalom

Father-of-Shalom ­my·son ­my·son :

and·he·enters ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to ­the·king ­the·house

and·he·says ­you·shamed ­the·day ­°the·face⁺·of ­all·of ­your·servants⁺ ­that·deliver⁺ ­°your·soul ­the·day

and·°the·soul·of ­your·sons⁺ ­and·your·daughters⁺

and·the·soul·of ­your·women⁺

and·the·soul·of ­your·concubines⁺ :

to·love ­°that·hate⁺·you

and·to·hate ­°that·love⁺·you

as ­you·told·forth ­the·day ­as ­there·is·ńot ­to·you ­princes⁺ ­and·servants⁺

as ­I·knew ­the·day ­as ­iᵮ·only ­Father-of-Shalom ­living ­and·all·of·us ­the·day ­dead⁺

as ­then ­straight ­in·your·eyes² :

and·now ­ꜝarise ­ꜝgo

and·ꜝspeak ­upon ­the·heart·of ­your·servants⁺

as ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­I·vowed·seven ­as ­you·are·ńot ­going ­if ­he·reposes ­man ­with·you ­the·night

and·she·was·bad ­to·you ­this ­from·all·of ­the·bad ­that ­she·entered ­upon·you

from·your·youth⁺ ­unto ­now :

and·he·arises ­the·king ­and·he·settles ­in·the·gate

and·to·all·of ­the·people ­they·told·forth⁺ ­saying ­¡lo! ­the·king ­settling ­in·the·gate

and·he·enters ­all·of ­the·people ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·king


he·fled ­man ­to·his·tents⁺ :

and·he·is ­all·of ­the·people ­seeking·vindication

in·all·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

the·king ­he·snatched·us·away ­from·the·spoon·of ­our·enemies⁺ ­and·he ­he·delivered·us ­from·the·spoon·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·now ­he·bolted ­from ­the·land ­from·upon ­Father-of-Shalom :

and·Father-of-Shalom ­that ­we·anointed⁺ ­upon·us

he·died ­in·the·battle

and·now ­to·¿what ­you⁺ ­crafting·silence ­to·return ­°the·king :

and·the·king ­Intimate ­he·sent ­to ­Just ­and·to ­Father-of-Remainder ­the·priests⁺ ­saying

ꜝspeak⁺ ­to ­the·elders⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­saying

to·¿what ­you·are⁺ ­afterward⁺

to·return ­°the·king ­to ­his·house

and·the·speech·of ­all·of ­Princepowr

he·entered ­to ­the·king ­to ­his·house :

my·brothers⁺ ­you⁺

my·bone ­and·my·flesh ­you⁺

and·to·¿what ­you·are⁺ ­afterward⁺ ­to·return ­°the·king :

and·to·Loadd ­you·say⁺

¿not ­my·bone ­and·my·flesh ­you

thus ­he·does ­to·me ­Powers⁺ ­and·thus ­he·adds

if ­not ­prince·of ­host ­you·are ­to·my·face⁺ ­all·of ­the·days⁺ ­under ­Yᴡ-Fathered :

and·he·branches·out ­°the·heart·of ­all·of ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­as·man ­one

and·they·send⁺ ­to ­the·king

ꜝreturn ­you ­and·all·of ­your·servants⁺ :

and·he·returns ­the·king

and·he·enters ­unto ­the·Descender

and·Gloryhand ­he·entered ­➝the·Rolling ­to·walk ­to·call·on ­the·king

to·make·cross·by ­°the·king ­°the·Descender :

and·he·speeds ­Hearing ­the·son·of ­Chaw ­Son·of ­the·Rightïte

that ­from·Choice·Youth

and·he·descends ­near ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand

to·call·on ­the·king ­Intimate :

and·thousand·of ­man ­near·him ­from·Son-of-Right

and·Depot ­the·youth·of ­the·house·of ­Requested

and·five·of ­and·ten ­his·sons⁺ ­and·twenty⁺ ­his·servants⁺ ­with·him

and·they·prospered⁺ ­the·Descender ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·king :

and·she·crossed·over ­the·crossing ­to·make·cross·by ­°the·house·of ­the·king

and·to·do ­the·good ­in·his·eyes²

and·Hearing ­the·son·of ­Chaw ­he·fell ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·king

when·he·crosses·over ­in·the·Descender :

and·he·says ­to ­the·king ­ꜝlet·him·not·consider ­to·me ­my·lord ­guilt

and ­ꜝdo·not·remember ­°that ­he·acted·guiltily ­your·servant

in·the·day ­that ­he·went ­my·lord ­the·king ­from·Torahshalom

to·place ­the·king ­to ­his·heart :

as ­he·knew ­your·servant

as ­I ­I·sinned

and·¡lo! ­I·entered ­the·day ­headmost ­to·all·of ­the·house·of ­He-Adds

to·descend ­to·call·on ­my·lord ­the·king :

and·he·responds ­Father-of-Homage ­the·son·of ­Balsamed ­and·he·says

¿under ­this

he·is·not·put·to·death ­Hearing

as ­he·slighted ­°the·anointed·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­¿what ­to·me ­and·to·you⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Balsamed

as ­you·are⁺ ­to·me ­the·day ­to·accuser

the·day ­he·is·put·to·death ­man ­in·Princepowr

as ­¿not ­I·knew

as ­the·day ­I ­king ­upon ­Princepowr :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Hearing ­you·do·not·die

and·he·vows·seven ­to·him ­the·king :

and·Mouther-of-Shame ­the·son·of ­Requested

he·descended ­to·call·on ­the·king

and ­he·did·not·do ­his·feet² ­and ­he·did·not·do ­his·lipstache ­and·°his·coverings⁺ ­he·did·not·wash

to·from ­the·day ­walking ­the·king

unto ­the·day ­that ­he·entered ­in·shalom :

and·he·is ­as ­he·entered ­Torahshalom ­to·call·on ­the·king

and·he·says ­to·him ­the·king

to·¿what ­you·did·not·walk ­near·me ­Mouther-of-Shame :

and·he·says ­my·lord ­the·king ­my·servant ­he·tricked·me

as ­he·said ­your·servant ­ꜝlet·me·wrap ­to·me ­the·donkey ­and·I·chariot ­upon·her ­and·I·walk ­with ­the·king

as ­hobbling ­your·servant :

and·he·footspies ­in·your·servant

to ­my·lord ­the·king

and·my·lord ­the·king ­as·the·minister·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·ꜝdo ­the·good ­in·your·eyes² :

as ­he·was·not ­all·of ­the·house·of ­my·father ­but ­rather ­mortals⁺·of ­death ­to·my·lord ­the·king

and·you·put ­°your·servant

in·the·eating⁺·of ­your·table

and·¿what ­there·is ­to·me ­again ­justice

and·to·cry ­again ­to ­the·king :


and·he·says ­to·him ­the·king

to·¿what ­you·speak ­again ­your·speeches⁺

I·said ­you ­and·Depot

you·divide⁺ ­°the·field :

and·he·says ­Mouther-of-Shame ­to ­the·king

also ­°all ­he·takes

after⁺ ­that ­he·entered ­my·lord ­the·king ­in·shalom ­to ­his·house :

and·Iron ­the·Roll-of-Witnessïte

he·descended ­from·Feet⁺

and·he·crosses·over ­with ­the·king ­the·Descender

to·send·him·out ­°the·Descender :

and·Iron ­he·was·old ­very

son·of ­eighty⁺ ­year

and·he ­he·sustained ­°the·king ­in·his·settling ­in·Camps²

as ­man ­great ­he ­very :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Iron

you ­ꜝcross·over ­with·me

and·I·sustained ­°you ­near·me ­in·Torahshalom :

and·he·says ­Iron ­to ­the·king

as·¿what ­the·days⁺·of ­the·years⁺·of ­my·life⁺

as ­I·go·up ­with ­the·king ­Torahshalom :

son·of ­eighty⁺ ­year ­I ­the·day ­¿I·know ­between ­good ­to·bad ­if ­he·tastes ­your·servant ­°that ­I·eat ­and·°that ­I·drink

if ­I·hear ­again

in·voice·of ­singers⁺ ­and·singers⁺

and·to·¿what ­he·is ­your·servant ­again ­to·burden

to ­my·lord ­the·king :

as·little ­he·crosses·over ­your·servant ­°the·Descender ­with ­the·king

and·to·¿what ­he·yields·me ­the·king

the·yield ­this :

ꜝlet·him·return ­¡please! ­your·servant ­and·I·die ­in·my·city

near ­the·tomb·of ­my·father ­and·my·mama

and·¡lo! ­your·servant ­Fainting ­he·crosses·over ­near ­my·lord ­the·king

and·ꜝdo ­to·him ­°that ­he·was·good ­in·your·eyes² :

and·he·says ­the·king ­with·me ­he·crosses·over ­Fainting

and·I ­I·do ­to·him

°the·good ­in·your·eyes²

and·all ­that ­you·choose ­upon·me ­I·do ­to·you :

and·he·crosses·over ­all·of ­the·people ­°the·Descender ­and·the·king ­he·crossed·over

and·he·kisses ­the·king ­to·Iron ­and·he·kneels·him

and·he·returns ­to·his·rising·place :

and·he·crosses·over ­the·king ­➝the·Rolling

and·Fainting ­he·crossed·over ­near·him

and·all·of ­the·people·of ­Gloryhand ­they·made·cross·by⁺ ­°the·king

and·also ­the·half·of ­the·people·of ­Princepowr :

and·¡lo! ­all·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr ­entering⁺ ­to ­the·king

and·they·say⁺ ­to ­the·king ­¿know·why ­they·stole⁺·you ­our·brothers⁺ ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­and·they·make·cross·by⁺ ­°the·king ­and·°his·house ­°the·Descender

and·all·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Intimate ­near·him :

and·he·responds ­all·of ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­upon ­the·man·of ­Princepowr ­as ­present ­the·king ­to·me

and·to·¿what ­this ­he·was·scorched ­to·you

upon ­the·speech ­this

¿eating ­we·ate⁺ ­from ­the·king

if ­bearing ­he·was·borne ­to·us :

and·he·responds ­the·man·of ­Princepowr ­°the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­and·he·says ­ten·of ­hands⁺ ­to·me ­in·the·king ­and·also ­in·Intimate ­I ­from·you

and·¿know·why ­you·slightened·me

and ­he·was·not ­my·speech ­headmost ­to·me ­to·return ­°my·king

and·he·is·hard ­the·speech·of ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand

from·the·speech·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr :

and·there ­he·was·called·upon ­man·of ­no-benefit ­and·his·name ­Seven ­the·son·of ­First ­man ­Rightïte

and·he·hits ­in·the·shofair ­and·he·says ­there·is·ńot ­to·us ­dividend ­in·Intimate ­and·not ­derivation ­to·us ­in·the·son·of ­He-Is

man ­to·his·tents⁺ ­Princepowr :

and·he·goes·up ­all·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr ­from·after⁺ ­Intimate

after⁺ ­Seven ­the·son·of ­First

and·the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­they·were·joined⁺ ­in·their·king

from ­the·Descender ­and·unto ­Torahshalom :

and·he·enters ­Intimate ­to ­his·house ­Torahshalom

and·he·takes ­the·king ­°ten·of ­women⁺ ­concubines⁺ ­that ­he·set·in·peace ­to·watch ­the·house ­and·he·gives·them ­house·of ­watch ­and·he·sustains·them

and·to·them ­he·did·not·enter

and·they·are⁺ ­been·rocked·in ­unto ­the·day·of ­their·dying ­widowhoods⁺·of ­lifetime :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Loadd

ꜝcry·up ­to·me ­°the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­three·of ­days⁺

and·you ­ẖere ­ꜝstand :

and·he·walks ­Loadd ­to·cry·up ­°Gloryhand

and·he·is·kept·aft ­from ­the·assembly·time ­that ­he·assembled·him :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Father-of-Homage

now ­he·is·bad ­to·us ­Seven ­the·son·of ­First ­from ­Father-of-Shalom

you ­ꜝtake ­°the·servants⁺·of ­your·lords⁺ ­and·ꜝpursue ­after⁺·him

lest ­he·found ­to·him ­cities⁺ ­fortified⁺ ­and·he·snatched·away ­our·eye :

and·they·go⁺ ­after⁺·him ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·the·Cutter ­and·the·Courierïte ­and·all·of ­the·heroes⁺

and·they·go⁺ ­from·Torahshalom

to·pursue ­after⁺ ­Seven ­the·son·of ­First :

they⁺ ­near ­the·stone ­the·great ­that ­in·Hillside

and·Loadd ­he·entered ­to·their·face⁺

and·Yᴡ-Fathered ­girded ­his·tunic ­his·robe ­and·upon·him ­girdle·of ­sword ­coupled ­upon ­his·thighs² ­in·her·barecover

and·he ­he·went ­and·she·falls :

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to·Loadd

¿shalom ­you ­my·brother

and·she·holds ­the·hand·of ­the·right·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­in·the·old·beard·of ­Loadd ­to·kiss ­to·him :

and·Loadd ­he·did·not·watch·himself ­in·the·sword ­that ­in·the·hand·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·he·strikes·him ­in·her ­to ­the·geared·up ­and·he·spills·out ­his·bowels⁺ ­➝land ­and ­he·did·not·redouble ­to·him ­and·he·dies

and·Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·Father-of-Homage ­his·brother

he·pursued ­after⁺ ­Seven ­the·son·of ­First :

and·man ­he·stood ­upon·him

from·the·youths⁺·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·he·says ­¿who ­that ­he·was·pleased ­in·Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·¿who ­that ­to·Intimate ­after⁺ ­Yᴡ-Fathered :

and·Loadd ­rolling·oneself ­in·the·blood ­in·the·midst·of ­the·avenue

and·he·sees ­the·man ­as ­he·stood ­all·of ­the·people ­and·he·turns ­°Loadd ­from ­the·avenue ­the·field ­and·he·drops ­upon·him ­covering

as·how ­he·saw

all ­that·enters ­upon·him ­and·he·stood :

as·how ­he·sorrowed ­from ­the·avenue

he·crossed·over ­all·of ­man ­after⁺ ­Yᴡ-Fathered

to·pursue ­after⁺ ­Seven ­the·son·of ­First :

and·he·crosses·over ­in·all·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr ­➝meadow ­and·the·house·of ­Battering ­and·all·of ­the·Bers⁺


and·they·enter⁺ ­¡yes! ­after⁺·him :

and·they·enter⁺ ­and·they·rock·up ­upon·him ­in➝meadow ­the·house·of ­the·Battering

and·they·spill·out ­advances ­to ­the·city

and·she·stands ­in·the·stronghold

and·all·of ­the·people ­that ­with ­Yᴡ-Fathered

ruining⁺ ­to·let·fall ­the·rampart :

and·she·calls ­woman ­wise ­from ­the·city

ꜝhear⁺ ­ꜝhear⁺ ­ꜝsay⁺ ­¡please! ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered

ꜝbe·present ­unto ­here

and·ꜝlet·me·speak ­to·you :

and·he·is·present ­to·her

and·she·says ­the·woman ­¿you ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·he·says ­I

and·she·says ­to·him ­ꜝhear ­the·speeches⁺·of ­your·amah

and·he·says ­hearing ­I :

and·she·says ­saying

speaking ­they·speak⁺ ­in·the·headmost ­saying

requesting ­they·request⁺ ­in·meadow ­and·surely ­they·completed⁺ :

I ­the·had·shalom·of ­the·truth⁺·of ­Princepowr

you ­seeker ­to·put·to·death ­city ­and·mama ­in·Princepowr

to·¿what ­you·devour ­the·derivation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·responds ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·he·says

¡pierce·it! ­¡pierce·it! ­to·me

if ­I·devour ­and·if ­I·ruin :

not ­surely ­the·speech ­as ­man ­from·the·mount·of ­Fruits² ­Seven ­the·son·of ­First ­his·name ­he·bore ­his·hand ­in·the·king ­in·Intimate

ꜝgive⁺ ­°him ­alone·him

and·ꜝlet·me·walk ­from·upon ­the·city

and·she·says ­the·woman ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered

¡lo! ­his·head ­dropped ­to·you ­about ­the·rampart :

and·she·enters ­the·woman ­to ­all·of ­the·people ­in·her·wisdom ­and·they·cut·down ­°the·head·of ­Seven ­the·son·of ­First ­and·they·drop⁺ ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·he·hits ­in·the·shofair

and·they·are·scattered⁺ ­from·upon ­the·city ­man ­to·his·tents⁺

and·Yᴡ-Fathered ­he·returned ­Torahshalom ­to ­the·king :

and·Yᴡ-Fathered ­to ­all·of ­the·host·of ­Princepowr

and·Built-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Known

upon ­the·Cutter ­and·upon ­the·Courierïte :

and·Lord-Heightens ­upon ­the·levy

and·Yʜᴡ-Judge ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-Child ­that·commemorates :

and·Vain ­accounter

and·Just ­and·Father-of-Remainder ­priests⁺ :

and·also ­Rousing ­the·Enlightenerïte

he·was ­priest ­to·Intimate :

and·he·is ­hunger ­in·the·days⁺·of ­Intimate ­three ­years⁺ ­year ­after⁺ ­year

and·he·seeks ­Intimate ­°the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Requested ­and·to ­the·house·of ­the·bloods⁺

upon ­that ­he·put·to·death ­°the·Hillsideïtes⁺ :

and·he·calls ­the·king ­to·the·Hillsideïtes⁺ ­and·he·says ­to·them

and·the·Hillsideïtes⁺ ­not ­from·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­they⁺ ­but ­rather ­from·the·remainder·of ­the·Amurruïte

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­they·vowed·seven⁺ ­to·them

and·he·seeks ­Requested ­to·strike·them

when·he·is·jealous ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·Gloryhand :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­the·Hillsideïtes⁺

¿what ­I·do ­to·you⁺

and·in·¿what ­I·atone

and·ꜝkneel⁺ ­°the·derivation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·they·say⁺ ­to·him ­the·Hillsideïtes⁺ ­there·is·ńot ­to·us ­silver ­and·gold ­near ­Requested ­and·near ­his·house

and·there·is·ńot ­to·us ­man ­to·put·to·death ­in·Princepowr

and·he·says ­¿what ­you⁺ ­saying⁺ ­I·do ­to·you⁺ :

and·they·say⁺ ­to ­the·king

the·man ­that ­he·was·all·done·us

and·that ­he·likened ­to·us

we·were·destroyed⁺ ­from·posting·oneself ­in·all·of ­the·border·of ­Princepowr :

he·is·given ­to·us ­seven ­mortals⁺ ­from·his·sons⁺

and·we·quartered⁺·them ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

in·Hill·of ­Requested ­the·chosen·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·says ­the·king ­I ­I·give :

and·he·pities ­the·king

upon ­Mouther-Of ­Shame ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­the·son·of ­Requested

upon ­the·seven·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­between⁺·them

between ­Intimate

and·between ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­the·son·of ­Requested :

and·he·takes ­the·king ­°the·two²·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Mosaic ­the·daughter·of ­Hawk ­that ­she·enchilded ­to·Requested

°Highestïte ­and·°Mouther-of-Shame

and·°the·five·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Brook ­the·daughter·of ­Requested

that ­she·enchilded ­to·Flock-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Iron ­the·Whirlïte :

and·he·gives·them ­in·the·hand·of ­the·Hillsideïtes⁺ ­and·they·quarter⁺·them ­in·the·mount ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·fall⁺ ­their·seven ­united

and·they⁺ ­they·were·put·to·death⁺ ­in·days⁺·of ­crop ­in·the·headmost⁺

in·first·pierce·of ­crop·of ­hairbarley :

and·she·takes ­Mosaic ­the·daughter·of ­Hawk ­°the·burlap ­and·she·branches·out·him ­to·her ­to ­the·rock ­from·first·pierce·of ­crop

unto ­he·was·melted ­waters⁺ ­upon·them ­from ­the·skies⁺

and ­she·did·not·give ­the·flyer·of ­the·skies⁺ ­to·be·at·peace ­upon·them ­daytime

and·°the·life·of ­the·field ­night :

and·he·is·told·forth ­to·Intimate

°that ­she·did ­Mosaic ­the·daughter·of ­Hawk ­the·concubine·of ­Requested :

and·he·walks ­Intimate ­and·he·takes ­°the·bones⁺·of ­Requested ­and·°the·bones⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­his·son

from·with ­the·masters⁺·of ­Dry ­Roll-of-Witness

that ­they·stole⁺ ­°them ­from·the·broadway·of ­House·of ­Placidity ­that ­they·hanged⁺·them ­➝there ­Palestinians⁺

in·day ­striking ­Palestinians⁺ ­°Requested ­in·the·Roll-of-Petition :

and·he·offers·up ­from·there ­°the·bones⁺·of ­Requested

and·°the·bones⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­his·son


°the·bones⁺·of ­that·are·quartered⁺ :

and·they·entomb⁺ ­°the·bones⁺·of ­Requested ­and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­his·son ­in·the·land·of ­Son-of-Right ­in·Limping ­in·the·tomb·of ­Snare ­his·father


all ­that ­he·commanded ­the·king

and·he·is·supple ­Powers⁺ ­to·the·land ­after⁺ ­surely :


and·she·is ­again ­battle ­to·the·Palestinians⁺ ­with ­Princepowr

and·he·descends ­Intimate ­and·his·servants⁺ ­near·him ­and·they·battle⁺ ­with ­Palestinians⁺ ­and·he·is·tired ­Intimate :

and·He-Sits ­In-Produce ­that ­in·the·children⁺·of ­the·Raphah ­and·the·shekelness·of ­his·spearstalk ­three·of ­hundred⁺ ­shekelness·of ­copper

and·he ­girded ­new

and·he·says ­to·strike ­°Intimate :

and·he·helps ­to·him ­Father-of-Homage ­the·son·of ­Balsamed

and·he·strikes ­°the·Palestinian ­and·he·puts·him·to·death

then ­they·vowed·seven⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Intimate ­to·him ­saying ­you·do·not·go ­again ­with·us ­to·the·battle

and ­you·do·not·quench ­°the·lamp·of ­Princepowr :


and·he·is ­after⁺ ­surely

and·she·is ­again ­the·battle ­in·Cistern ­near ­Palestinians⁺

then ­he·struck ­Tangled ­the·Hurrierïte

°Portal ­that ­in·the·children⁺·of ­the·Raphah :


and·she·is ­again ­the·battle ­in·Cistern ­near ­Palestinians⁺

and·he·strikes ­Powr-Grace ­son·of ­Forests⁺·of ­weavers⁺ ­the·house·of ­the·Breadïte ­°Stripped ­the·Cellarïte

and·the·treestick·of ­his·campspear

as·tiller·of ­weaving⁺ :

and·she·is ­again ­battle ­in·Cellar

and·he·is ­the·man·of ­Measure ­and·the·fingers⁺·of ­his·hands² ­and·the·fingers⁺·of ­his·feet² ­six ­and·six ­twenty⁺ ­and·four ­count

and·also ­he ­he·was·enchilded ­to·the·Raphah :

and·he·detracts ­°Princepowr

and·he·strikes·him ­Yʜᴡ-Given

the·son·of ­Hearing ­the·brother·of ­Intimate :

°four·of ­these ­they·were·enchilded⁺ ­to·the·Raphah ­in·Cellar

and·they·fall⁺ ­in·the·hand·of ­Intimate ­and·in·the·hand·of ­his·servants⁺ :


and·he·speaks ­Intimate ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

°the·speeches⁺·of ­the·song ­this

in·day·of ­he·snatched·away ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°him ­from·the·spoon·of ­all·of ­his·enemies⁺ ­and·from·the·spoon·of ­Requested :


Yʜᴡʜ ­my·clifftop ­and·my·huntinglodge ­and·that·rescues·me ­to·me :

Powers⁺·of ­my·rock ­I·refuge ­in·him

my·guard ­and·the·horn·of ­my·safety ­my·tower ­and·my·fleeing·place

my·savior ­from·violence ­you·save·me :

praised ­I·call ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·from·my·enemies⁺ ­I·am·saved :

as ­they·engulfed⁺·me ­breakers⁺·of ­death

rivers⁺·of ­no-benefit ­they·frighten⁺·me :

ropes⁺·of ­sheol ­they·turned·around·me

they·were·in·front·of⁺·me ­snares⁺·of ­death :

in·the·rockiness ­to·me ­I·call ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·to ­my·Powers⁺ ­I·call

and·he·hears ­from·his·palace ­my·voice

and·my·cry·for·safety ­in·his·ears² :

and·he·convulses·himself ­and·she·quakes ­the·land

the·foundations⁺·of ­the·skies⁺ ­they·are·stirred·up

and·they·convulse·themselves⁺ ­as ­he·was·scorched ­to·him :

he·went·up ­smoke ­in·his·nostrils

and·fire ­from·his·mouth ­she·eats

embers⁺ ­they·were·consumed⁺ ­from·him :

and·he·branches·out ­skies⁺ ­and·he·descends

and·sprinkling·cloud ­under ­his·feet² :

and·he·chariots ­upon ­cherub ­and·he·flies

and·he·is·seen ­upon ­wings²·of ­breath :

and·he·puts ­darkness ­turninground·him ­knit·shelters⁺

chishra·of ­waters⁺ ­fogs⁺·of ­wisps⁺ :

from·brightness ­before·him

they·were·consumed⁺ ­embers⁺·of ­fire :

ꜝlet·him·thunder ­from ­skies⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·uppermost ­he·gives ­his·voice :

and·he·sends ­arrows⁺ ­and·he·scatters·them

flash ­and·he·rumbles :

and·they·are·seen⁺ ­channels⁺·of ­sea

they·are·stripped⁺ ­foundations⁺·of ­world

in·the·rebuke·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

from·the·gasp·of ­the·breath·of ­his·nostrils :

he·sends ­from·heights ­he·takes·me

he·draws·me ­from·waters⁺ ­many⁺ :

he·snatches·me·away ­from·my·enemy ­mighty


as ­they·were·bold⁺ ­from·me :

they·are·in·front·of⁺·me ­in·the·day·of ­my·calamity

and·he·is ­Yʜᴡʜ ­staff ­to·me :

and·he·lets·go ­to·the·broad·place ­°me

he·redresses·me ­as ­he·was·pleased ­in·me :

he·yields·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as·my·justice

as·the·cleanness·of ­my·hands² ­he·returns ­to·me :

as ­I·watched ­the·steps⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­I·did·not·do·wickedness ­from·my·Powers⁺ :

as ­all·of ­his·judgments⁺ ­to·before·me

and·his·prescriptions⁺ ­I·do·not·move ­from·her :

and·I·am ­complete ­to·him

and·I·watch·myself·for! ­from·my·guilt :

and·he·returns ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­as·my·justice

as·my·cleanness ­to·before ­his·eyes² :

near ­merciful ­you·make·yourself·merciful

near ­hero ­complete ­you·make·yourself·complete :

near ­clean ­you·show·yourself·clean

and·near ­warped ­you·knot·yourself·up :

and·°people ­humiliated ­you·save

and·your·eyes² ­upon ­high⁺ ­you·make·low :

as ­you ­my·lamp ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·brightens ­my·darkness :

as ­in·you ­I·run ­clouttroop

in·my·Powers⁺ ­I·leap ­boundary :

the·powr ­complete ­his·step

the·saying·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­smelted

guard ­he

to·all·of ­that·refuge⁺ ­in·him :

as ­¿who ­powr ­from·not·unto ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·¿who ­rock ­from·not·unto ­our·Powers⁺ :

the·powr ­my·mighty·place ­strength

and·he·lets·jump·free ­complete ­my·step :

leveling ­my·feet² ­as·the·powerdeer

and·upon ­my·daises⁺ ­he·causes·me·to·stand :

discipling ­my·hands² ­to·the·battle

and·he·plunged ­bow·of ­copper ­my·arms⁺ :

and·you·give ­to·me ­the·guard·of ­your·safety

and·your·humbling ­you·multiply·me :

you·broaden ­my·pace ­under·me

and ­they·did·not·slip⁺ ­my·ankles² :

ꜝlet·me·pursue ­my·enemies⁺ ­and·I·destroy·them

and ­I·do·not·return ­unto ­their·all·done :

and·I·am·all·done·them ­and·I·impale·them ­and ­they·do·not·arise⁺

and·they·fall⁺ ­under ­my·feet² :

and·you·belt·me·with ­strength ­to·the·battle

you·cause·to·stoop ­that·arise⁺·me ­under·me :


you·gave ­to·me ­spine

that·hate⁺·me ­and·I·annihilate·them :

they·gaze⁺ ­and·there·is·ńot ­savior

to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and ­he·did·not·respond·them :

and·I·wisp·them·away ­as·dust·of ­land

as·mud·of ­exteriors⁺ ­I·make·thin·them ­I·flatten·them :


from·the·arguments⁺·of ­my·people

you·watch·me ­to·head·of ­clans⁺

people ­I·did·not·know ­they·serve⁺·me :

sons⁺·of ­unrecognizee ­they·deny·themselves⁺ ­to·me

to·hear ­ear ­they·are·heard⁺ ­to·me :

sons⁺·of ­unrecognizee ­they·wilt⁺

and·they·gird⁺ ­from·their·lockingborders⁺ :

living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·knelt·to ­my·rock

and·ꜝlet·him·be·high ­Powers⁺·of ­the·rock·of ­my·safety :

the·powr ­that·gives ­vengeances⁺ ­to·me

and·making·descend ­people⁺ ­under·me :

and·that·lets·me·go ­from·my·enemies⁺

and·from·that·arise⁺·me ­you·heighten·me

from·man·of ­violences⁺ ­you·snatch·me·away :

upon ­surely ­I·gloryhand·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·clans⁺

and·to·your·name ­I·make·music :

the·great·tower·of ­the·salvations⁺·of ­his·king

and·doing ­mercy ­to·his·anointed ­to·Intimate ­and·to·his·seed ­unto ­eternity :


and·these ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Intimate ­the·afterward⁺

the·revelation·of ­Intimate ­the·son·of ­He-Is ­and·the·revelation·of ­the·hero ­he·was·raised ­upward

the·anointed·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Heeler

and·the·amiability·of ­the·music⁺·of ­Princepowr :

the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·spoke ­in·me

and·his·word ­upon ­my·tongue :

he·said ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·me ­he·spoke ­the·rock·of ­Princepowr

ruler ­in·the·adam

just ­ruler ­the·fear·of ­Powers⁺ :

and·as·light·of ­dayplow ­he·dawns ­sun

dayplow ­not ­fogs⁺

from·brightness ­from·rain ­grass ­from·land :

as ­not ­surely ­my·house ­near ­powr

as ­covenant·of ­eternity ­he·placed ­to·me ­lined·up ­in·all ­and·watched

as ­all·of ­my·safety ­and·all·of ­pleasure ­as ­he·does·not·cause·to·grow :

and·no-benefit ­as·thorn ­caused·to·retreat ­all·of·them

as ­not ­in·hand ­they·take⁺ :

and·man ­he·touches ­in·them

he·is·filled ­iron ­and·treestick·of ­campspear

and·in·the·fire ­burning ­they·are·burned⁺ ­in·the·seat :


these ­the·names⁺·of ­the·heroes⁺ ­that ­to·Intimate

settling ­in·the·rest·of ­Tawisdomïte ­the·head·of ­the·third-ranking ­he ­Our-Comforts ­the·Etsenïte

upon ­eight ­hundred⁺ ­pierced ­in·time ­one :

and·after⁺·him ­Powr-Helped ­the·son·of ­Intimacy ­the·son·of ­Brotherbroïte

in·three ­the·heroes⁺ ­near ­Intimate ­when·they·detract⁺ ­in·the·Palestinians⁺ ­they·were·gathered⁺ ­there ­to·the·battle

and·they·go·up⁺ ­the·man·of ­Princepowr :

he ­he·arose ­and·he·strikes ­in·the·Palestinians⁺ ­unto ­as ­she·labored ­his·hand ­and·she·is·joined ­his·hand ­to ­the·sword

and·he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ ­salvation ­great ­in·the·day ­he

and·the·people ­they·return⁺ ­after⁺·him ­surely ­to·unmantle :

and·after⁺·him ­Desolation ­the·son·of ­Aga ­Mountaineer

and·they·are·gathered⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­to·the·lifegroup ­and·she·is ­there ­the·division·of ­the·field ­full ­lentils⁺

and·the·people ­he·fled ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·posts·himself ­in·the·midst·of ­the·division ­and·he·snatches·her·away

and·he·strikes ­°Palestinians⁺

and·he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ ­salvation ­great :

and·they·descend⁺ ­three ­from·the·thirty⁺ ­head ­and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­crop ­to ­Intimate

to ­the·barrens·of ­Adlam

and·the·lifegroup·of ­Palestinians⁺

camping ­in·the·deepland·of ­Raphahs⁺ :

and·Intimate ­then ­in·the·huntinglodge

and·the·post·of ­Palestinians⁺

then ­House·of ­Bread :

and·he·yearns·for ­Intimate ­and·he·says

¿who ­he·gives·me·to·drink ­waters⁺

from·the·well·of ­House·of ­Bread ­that ­in·the·gate :

and·they·cleave⁺ ­the·three·of ­the·heroes⁺ ­in·the·camp·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­and·they·fetch⁺ ­waters⁺ ­from·the·well·of ­House·of ­Bread ­that ­in·the·gate

and·they·bear⁺ ­and·they·bring·in⁺ ­to ­Intimate

and ­he·did·not·want ­to·drink·them

and·he·libates·out ­°them ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­¡pierce·it! ­to·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·my·doing ­this ­¿the·blood·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­that·walk⁺ ­in·their·souls⁺

and ­he·did·not·want ­to·drink·them

these ­they·did⁺

the·three·of ­the·heroes⁺ :

and·Father-of-Homage ­the·brother·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­the·son·of ­Balsamed ­he ­the·head·of ­the·three

and·he ­he·aroused ­°his·campspear

upon ­three·of ­hundred⁺ ­pierced

and·to·him ­name ­in·the·three :

from ­the·three ­¿as ­weighty

and·he·is ­to·them ­to·prince

and·unto ­the·three ­he·did·not·enter :

and·Built-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Known ­son·of ­man·of ­strength ­much·of ­works⁺ ­from·Collected-of-Powr

he ­he·struck ­°the·two²·of ­Lion-of-Powr ­From-Father

and·he ­he·descended ­and·he·struck ­°the·lion ­in·the·midst·of ­the·well ­in·the·day·of ­the·snow :

and·he ­he·struck ­°the·man·of ­Egyptian ­man·of ­sight ­and·in·the·hand·of ­the·Egyptian ­campspear

and·he·descends ­to·him ­in·the·stem

and·he·robs ­°the·campspear ­from·the·hand·of ­the·Egyptian

and·he·kills·him ­in·his·campspear :

these ­he·did

Built-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Known

and·to·him ­name ­in·three ­the·heroes⁺ :

from ­the·thirty⁺ ­weighty

and·to ­the·three ­he·did·not·enter

and·he·places·him ­Intimate ­to ­his·hearguard :

Deed·of ­Powr ­the·brother·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­in·the·thirty⁺

Powr-Grace ­the·son·of ­Intimacy ­House·of ­Bread :

Desolation ­the·Shudderingïte

Powr-of-Vomit ­the·Shudderingïte :

Dress ­the·Rescueïte

Rousing ­the·son·of ­Warped ­the·Hithornïte :

Father-of-Help ­the·Responsesïte

My-Buildings ­the·Hurrierïte :

Shady ­the·Brotherbroïte

Speedy ­the·Distillïte :

Fat ­the·son·of ­In-Humiliation ­the·Distillïte

With-Me ­the·son·of ­Argument

from·the·hill·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Son-of-Right :

Built-Yʜᴡ ­Dishevelïte

Hidday ­from·the·rivers⁺·of ­Convulsion :

Father·of ­Albon ­the·Arabian

Might-of-Death ­the·Choiceïte :

Powr-Conceals ­the·Foxbyïte

the·sons⁺·of ­Asleep ­Yʜᴡ-Given :

Desolation ­the·Mountaineer

Brother-of-Mama ­the·son·of ­Glimpsing ­the·Mountaineer :

Power-of-Rescue ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-Turn ­the·son·of ­the·Batteringïte

Powr-of-People ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-Sludge ­the·Strippingïte :

Courtyard ­the·Orchardïte

Gaping ­the·Ambushïte :

Goel ­the·son·of ­Given ­from·Depot

Built ­the·Cloutïte :

Tzeleq ­the·Peopledïte

My-Snorting ­the·Wellsïte

the·bearer·of ­the·things⁺·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­the·son·of ­Balsamed :

Rousing ­the·Remainderïte

Itchy ­the·Remainderïte :

Light-of-Yʜ ­the·Castdownïte

all ­thirty⁺ ­and·seven :


and·he·adds ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·be·scorched ­in·Princepowr

and·he·coaxes ­°Intimate ­in·them ­saying

ꜝwalk ­ꜝallot ­°Princepowr ­and·°Gloryhand :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­the·prince·of ­the·strength ­that ­with·him ­ꜝpaddle·around ­¡please! ­in·all·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from·Vindicator ­and·unto ­Well·of ­Seven

and·ꜝreckon⁺ ­°the·people


°the·count·of ­the·people :

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­to ­the·king ­and·ꜝlet·him·add ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­to ­the·people ­as·them ­and·as·them ­hundred ­times⁺

and·the·eyes²·of ­my·lord ­the·king ­seeing⁺

and·my·lord ­the·king

to·¿what ­he·was·pleased ­in·the·speech ­this :

and·he·is·firm ­the·speech·of ­the·king ­to ­Yᴡ-Fathered

and·upon ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·strength

and·he·goes ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­and·the·princes⁺·of ­the·strength ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·king

to·reckon ­°the·people ­°Princepowr :

and·they·cross·over⁺ ­°the·Descender

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Bare-Bare ­the·right·of ­the·city ­that ­in·the·midst·of ­the·river ­the·Clout ­and·to ­He-Helps :

and·they·enter⁺ ­➝the·Roll-of-Witness

and·to ­the·land·of ­Unders⁺ ­New·Moons⁺

and·they·enter⁺ ­➝Vindicator·of ­Cause

and·turninground ­to ­Hunter :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·fortification·of ­Rock

and·all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­the·Liveïte ­and·the·Cashierïte

and·they·go⁺ ­to ­Negev·of ­Gloryhand ­Well·of ­Seven :

and·they·paddle·around ­in·all·of ­the·land

and·they·enter⁺ ­from·end·of ­nine ­new·moons⁺ ­and·twenty⁺ ­day ­Torahshalom :

and·he·gives ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­°the·count·of ­the·reckoning·of ­the·people ­to ­the·king

and·she·is ­Princepowr ­eight ­hundred⁺ ­thousand ­man·of ­strength ­unsheathing ­sword

and·the·man·of ­Gloryhand

five·of ­hundred⁺ ­thousand·of ­man :

and·he·strikes ­the·heart·of ­Intimate ­°him

after⁺ ­surely ­he·counted ­°the·people

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·sinned ­very ­that ­I·did

and·now ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝmake·cross·by ­¡please! ­°the·guilt·of ­your·servant

as ­I·was·mistaken ­very :

and·he·arises ­Intimate ­in·the·dayplow


and·the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·was ­to ­Clout ­the·prophet

the·visionary·of ­Intimate ­saying :

walking ­and·you·spoke ­to ­Intimate ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

three ­I ­hoisting·up ­upon·you

ꜝchoose ­to·you ­one ­from·them ­and·I·do ­to·you :

and·he·enters ­Clout ­to ­Intimate ­and·he·tells·forth ­to·him

and·he·says ­to·him ­¿she·enters ­to·you ­seven ­years⁺ ­hunger ­in·your·land ­if ­three ­new·moons⁺ ­your·fleeing ­to·the·face⁺·of ­your·rockers⁺ ­and·he ­your·pursuer ­and·if ­being ­three·of ­days⁺ ­unspeakable ­in·your·land

now ­ꜝknow ­and·ꜝsee

¿what ­I·return ­that·sends·me ­speech :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Clout ­rockiness ­to·me ­very

ꜝlet·us·fall⁺ ­¡please! ­in·the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as ­many⁺ ­his·wombliness⁺

and·in·hand·of ­adam ­ꜝlet·me·not·fall :

and·he·gives ­Yʜᴡʜ ­unspeakable ­in·Princepowr

from·the·dayplow ­and·unto ­season·of ­assembly·time

and·he·dies ­from ­the·people ­from·Vindicator ­and·unto ­Well·of ­Seven

seventy⁺ ­thousand ­man :

and·he·sends ­his·hand ­the·minister ­Torahshalom ­to·ruin·her

and·he·sighs ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·badness

and·he·says ­to·the·minister ­that·ruins ­in·the·people ­much

now ­ꜝslack·off ­your·hand

and·the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·was

near ­the·threshingfloor·of ­the·Arkyness ­the·Troddenïte :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­when·he·sees ­°the·minister ­that·strikes ­in·the·people ­and·he·says ­¡lo! ­I ­I·sinned ­and·I ­I·acted·guiltily

and·these ­the·sheep ­¿what ­they·did⁺

ꜝlet·her·be ­¡please! ­your·hand ­in·me ­and·in·the·house·of ­my·father :


and·he·enters ­Clout ­to ­Intimate ­in·the·day ­he

and·he·says ­to·him ­go·up ­ꜝraise ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­offering·place

in·the·threshingfloor·of ­Arkyness ­the·Troddenïte :

and·he·goes·up ­Intimate ­as·the·speech·of ­Clout

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·peers·down ­Arkyness ­and·he·sees ­°the·king ­and·°his·servants⁺

crossers⁺ ­upon·him

and·he·goes ­Arkyness

and·he·prostrates·himself ­to·the·king ­his·nostrils² ­➝land :

and·he·says ­Arkyness

¿know·why ­he·entered ­my·lord ­the·king ­to ­his·servant

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to·stock·up ­from·near·you ­°the·threshingfloor ­to·build ­offering·place ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·is·restrained ­the·smiting ­from·upon ­the·people :

and·he·says ­Arkyness ­to ­Intimate

he·takes ­and·ꜝlet·him·offer·up ­my·lord ­the·king ­the·good ­in·his·eyes²

ꜝsee ­the·plowcattle ­to·the·upward·offering

and·the·trucks⁺ ­and·the·things⁺·of ­the·plowcattle ­to·the·trees⁺ :

all ­he·gave ­Arkyness ­the·king ­to·the·king

and·he·says ­Arkyness ­to ­the·king

Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­he·favors·you :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Arkyness ­not ­as ­stocking·up ­I·stock·up ­from·with·you ­in·price

and ­I·do·not·offer·up ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­my·Powers⁺ ­upward·offerings⁺ ­gratuitously

and·he·stocks·up ­Intimate ­°the·threshingfloor ­and·°the·plowcattle

in·silver ­shekels⁺ ­fifty⁺ :

and·he·builds ­there ­Intimate ­offering·place ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·offers·up ­upward·offerings⁺ ­and·shaloms⁺

and·he·is·supple ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·land

and·she·is·restrained ­the·smiting ­from·upon ­Princepowr :

2:1 2:8 2:10 3:6 3:31 3:33 3:38 4:1 5:1 5:4 5:11 5:17 5:22 6:1 7:1 8:1 9:1 10:1 11:1 12:1 12:26 13:1 13:23 13:34 14:8 14:18 14:24 14:28 14:31 15:1 15:7 15:10 16:14 16:20 17:14 19:29 20:20 21:15 21:18 21:19 22:1 23:1 23:8 24:1 24:11 24:18